Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lords of Sealand
Hello, I'm Chris! My passion is helping translate an artist's internal vision and getting it onto "tape". I've been producing, engineering and mixing records for the last decade and would love to help you amplify your sound. I believe in finding the right fit for making records. If you listen to any of my work and feel some connection, reach out!
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More providers:
Your music is important. It represents your ideas, beliefs, ideologies and philosophies. Emotion has to pour out of the speakers, it has to be right. That's where I come in! Whether it's a drum part that needs editing, or an entire track needs to be mixed and mastered, I will ensure that what you hear in your head is what comes out of the speakers.
A dynamic Singer, songwriter and producer who will bring your stories to life through beautiful melodies, catchy lyrics and vocals in multiple genres and languages!
During my 10 years in Japan I've worked on video game and movie soundtracks, pop singers and of course Rappers! Some of my recent works include the Anime Darling in the Franxx, the Adam Sherman film soundtrack to "She's Just a Shadow".
I am a singer who also writes lyrics and I’m offering writing help so I can gain money for my own projects I am also very VERSATILE
Iyashi means "healing" in the Japanese vernacular; we put this concept into every ounce of writing and performance. After all, that's the power of music isn't it? Experienced session vocalist, guitarist, and bassist coupled with strong writing, production, and engineering skills.
"Scratch to End" We make everything! Composition-Songwriting, Mixing, Mastering
Let me make your music sexy to the ears.
Recent Successes
"Wes is the absolute best. Quick turns, flawless presentation. If you have not worked with him, you are missing out!"
"Lew performed editing, vocal tuning, mixing, and mastering for a rap song. He did an absolutely amazing job, and I couldn't be happier with the result. Highly recommend him!"
"It was a fantastic and very quick process working with Paul. He listened to all of my thoughts, he listened and came with his own opinions on the track and created a fantastic finished product that is exactly what I..."
"A true gent, a legend of the drums - King of Toms! Nate nailed it, and made the whole process feel like the first time you buy a beer and hear live music and realize your heart is lost forever."
"Working with Fabian is always an amazing pleasure. He has such a great and positive vibe. He is very polite and kind. He really helps you in everything you may need, knowing perfectly his craft. The final product you..."