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Long Island Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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We offer a wide range of services including Audio Recording, Mixing, Mastering, Audio Forensics, Audio Conversion, Voice Over Work, Audio/Digital Audio Production, Educational Programs, and Video Production. We are a Veteran Owned business offering Military Discounts! Our experienced engineers are all seasoned veterans of the recording arts.
I'm a 20 plus year multi-instrumentalist and I've been running my own studio for the last five years. I offer recording (locally), mixing and editing, mastering, as well as session drums, guitar, and bass.
WISONGS Production Studios Ltda. is a online business on internet for artists and music producers. We can to make your sound better and better, louder, bright and more powerful as possible.
I'd love to bring my audio aesthetics and commitment to sonics to your project. Platinum and gold records, major national ads and songs placed in worldwide tv shows. My mixes get noticed and placed. I will do revisions and edits until you are satisfied.
i am a beatmaker who is starting as a freelancer
I'm a professional Pop/R&B singer that can take your track to the next level. I've worked in LA, New York, and toured all over the West coast, appearing on national television multiple times. I specialize in songwriting, lead vocals, harmony, and vocal coaching.
Seguro Funerario | Fsinsurance.us
No accomplishments, looking to write for any genre to prove my worth.
Recent Successes
"It's always a pleasure working with Breana. She gets it right every time!"
"Anna is talented pianoplayer and songwriter with an excellent soundquality in recording. She is very clear and to the point in explaining what she is doing. Her professionality makes it a pleasure to work with her."
"Great work done by Daniel as always!!! He is my favorite guitar/bass musician I worked with!!! "
"Mike has a strong rock voice, and a lot of soul! The energy and attitude comes through! Easy to work with and professional! "
"Always a pleasure to work with! One of the only people I genuinely trust with my vocals. "
"An expert at what he does... and very collaborative! Highly recommend."
"Quick turnaround and a good selection of options returned for mastering of an instrumental track. Great communication. Really happy with the result, thanks again."
"Jeff's mix was simply brilliant! He knows how to get the absolute best out of my track, and was extremely professional. His delivery of the mix was timely and I loved how well it sounded. Will definitely consider work..."
"Working with Kimera was a treat. She is fast, responsive, professional and extremely talented. She provided my project with a solid melody and then was flexible with my lyrical adjustments and changes. She takes notes..."