Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Logan N
I'm a Manchester-based multi-instrumentalist producer. Clients have included (Oscar and Grammy winner) Carole Bayer Sager and many other valued clients with whom I have worked on diverse projects. I provide complete song production, for eg: - a fully produced instrumental/backing track - vocal production | - mixing & mastering
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Just a young rapper, trying to make a way for me and my family to get out the struggle.
After writing (lyrics) for over 1000 songs and taking music theory to bring the songs to life, I learned a thing or two! I can help you develop lyrics, but also help you learn to think and live in a way that will open up your creative lyric-writing capabilities. I can also sing vocals on your tracks.
I'm a music producer who produces mainly trance and club music, and I also own a small independent label called Unitone.
I've had the opportunity to master my craft over the past 12 years, and I am happy to have picked up some tricks along the way. What's most important, is if you're happy, I'm happy. I will not accept every request, so please get in touch first to see if your project's suitable. The style I am going for can be wavy / LOFI or dark / melancholic
Incredible Work rate!
With revised prices at the best professional ghostwriting agency in the US, we are here to aid you. No matter the subject, we are acquainted with methods to save you from writing troubles.
Hello! My name is Umair, I am a passionate recording/mixing/mastering engineer and have worked at various studios in the UK and my home studio. I have worked on many releases on independent and major labels with bands/artists such as Best Coast, Five Star, The Drop, Undersmile, Silent Front, Vienna Ditto, Indica Blues and more.
I can record the lead and/or backup vocals you need for a song. I can mix your songs. And I can even compose the melody for the lead vocals, or make a vocal arrangement.
Recent Successes
"We had a long process with Lainy- lyric tweaks, multiple key changes, feedback on the multiple passes of vocals, everything- and throughout it all she was professional, timely and gave her opinion on what she thought ..."
"I'm beyond impressed with the originality, quality and professionalism of Armrecordings. I was so blown away through the whole process. I'm very happy with the arrangement, instrumentation, commercial quality and qui..."
"He is amazing and versatile. coool!"
"Working with Alan was a breath of fresh air. I needed an arrangement for my cello duo, and he was quick to respond to my request, understanding exactly what I needed for my project. He was professional and flexible wh..."
"Understood immediately the idea of the track. Wonderful to work. Soon again for more projects:)"
"AMAZING! I had an "electro pop" track and I needed it to sound more country. And Austin delivered an amazing country track. I gave him a few sound references and he NAILED IT! This guy is definitely PRO LEVEL! "
"Many Thanks to Gabriela ! For his patience and professionalism She is very talented and a great kindness, a pleasure to work with her :) "
"There are a few people as good as this gentleman, delivered exactly what i wanted and did it so quickly as well. thank you Supa"
"Always a pleasure working with Arthur! Great and professional communication, very fast and efficient. Amazing results. Looking fwd to more!"