Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lockenumma19
specialized in vocal recording, mixing vocals and making beats
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I'm a mixing and mastering engineer that can take your raw tracks and ready them to stream for Spotify or Apple Music to reach the masses.
Owner live sound with systems or help with yours.
Giving the client top class service and product, specializing in pop caribbean fusion,had to opportunity to work with some of the caribbean's top artists
My life is MUSIC creation! I am a full time composer and producer.
Born and raised Kansas City native Raymond Wyatt has been Producing, Playing and Singing music since he was 13. He has a music studio based in the heart of Kansas City where he is able to Produce and Record various types of music.
Music producer, sound engineer and multi-instrumentalist with 11 years of experience. I specialize in alternative, rock and pop music. Graduated a BA Academy of Journalism and Sound Editing in Warsaw. Featured music in MTV Rocks, Eska TV and lots of Polish radios.
Hello, Im AJ, I'm a touring musician, multi instrumentalist, singer and song writer based in London UK. In my 10 years of experience I've also been an actor playing such roles as 'Elvis', 'Mick jagger', 'Barry Gibb' and I'm currently on tour playing 'Buddy Holly'. I have my own personal studio which I've built up through the years.
Producer, Recording Artist, Musician, Studio Engineer
Recent Successes
"he mixed all the stems together nicely, and made the track loud. Thank you."
"Nick is a stellar musician and can nail a take in one try. He was great at making changes that I wanted on the recording and was super quick at getting back to me. I will absolutely use him in the future. His rate is ..."
"Best in the business folks. Really knows his shit, if you make heavy music and use this site there isn’t any other choice🤘🏻"
"Nya is great to work with, very professional and speedy. This was my second project with her and I cannot recommend her highly enough."
"Whew! Alex is my favorite go to, do it all sax player! The way that he interprets and embellishes the music is second to none. Money well spent! If your looking for a sax tone with character and emotion, this is your..."
"This is my second project with Davi and he did a wonderful job! He is officially my accordionist for all my future projects!"
"Thanks to Arthur for the fruitful cooperation! Very professional music producer and multi-instrumentalist. You gave my butterfly wings that carry it safely forward. It was easy and pleasant to do business with you, ev..."