Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Liz Lawrence
Juno-Nominated Canadian producers based in Los Angeles. Earned a spot on the 2023 Polaris Short List with Begonia's 'Powder Blue'. With decades of experience, they've been honored as the Producers of the Year at the Western Canadian Music Awards, founded Royal Canoe, and collaborated with artists such as Ian Sweet, Morgxn, Undercover Dream Lovers
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Hello I produce Chart Oriented Pop Tracks from scratch (Involve myself in all the aspects of making the Track ie.Lyrics, Music Composing, Instrumentation, Recording, Mixing, Mastering). My focus is on Quality and NOT quantity. Churning out tracks is not my cup of tea. You are as good as your last Track(This is my MOTTO)
Offering affordable producing, mixing and mastering services at a professional quality. Attempting to bridge the gap between home productions and professional recording studios.
Mix & Mastering Engineer
I have Mixed & Mastered top tracks for the hottest artists in Jamaica at this very moment. My clients are always smiling when i send them the first mix which is why they keep coming back for more of the sauce for their records.
Producer and solo act/band for rising alternative rock artists such as Chloe Berry
Sougata Ghosh
+250.000.000 Streams across all platforms. Versatile multi-genre producer. My name is Ramiro VCA (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and I will take your track to the next level.
I've been producing EDM for over 5 years, released 5 tracks on Spotify & have a special passion for Progressive House.
Recent Successes
"Liam was super professional and fast! He delivered more than was asked and gave several wonderful options and takes fro my project. I highly recommend!"
"Man, working with Corey is smooth and easy and you can tell that he loves, enjoys and cares about the work he produces. Great guy! Quick turn around times on final mix/master as well. Dolo Rome G. 🔥⛽"
"Very good songwriter"
"I always love working with Dibs and one of my go to producers to collab with! This is the second track we've worked on together and these two are some of my favourites that I've ever worked on. He is super efficient a..."
"Was a fast worker and have a beautiful voice! Would definitely recommend her."
"I came in to SoundBetter for a song that I was going to mix myself but decided to leave it to the pro's. I wasn't looking for the cheapest or most expensive mix engineer. I was looking for that person who I could ..."
"It was wonderful to work again with Ryan. He's fast, efficient, and an amazing Trumpet player overall. I will definitely reach him for the next job in priority! "
"Manuel is a person you can rely on to deliver both timely and artistically. A multi instrumentalist who knows his art too well! Lucky to have met him on this platform i cant even count how many jobs we've done togethe..."
"Yoad is a great engineer. He delivers professional sounding mix in very short time. It was a pleasure to work with him. I would definitely work with Yoad again!"
"A star singer that would turn your beat into holy moly music! Just give him gig and you will thank me later. Always wanting to do more than what he is asked to"