Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lisa Queti
My specialty is recording basses for Indie/Pop/Rock songs, I may be new here but believe me I'm not new to recording it's already been 23 years doing this, and I participated in more than 70 published albums. I am going to show you a great commitment to your songs or productions, feel free to write me on the contact button and chat about music.
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Larch Audio is pleased to be able to offer studio services including recording, mixing and mastering.
Music Producer, Residing currently in Miami, FL Looking to connect and network with artists with similar goals and creativeness. Trying to make a name for myself, how i want to, my way. Positive Vibes!!
We born as a new music project in Bs As, Argentina, trying to bring our service to all the world. Our goal is find new sounds with different perspectives. We work with honesty,real love and passion for music. We will try to help you to find your own sound. We are ready to help you and work with you..
I'm a singer songwriter at heart, but I love mixing, mastering, producing other people's music as I believe in the expansion of true artistry in the world.
International DJ/Producer of the legendary Anjunabeats label for 15 years. Through these years i learned alot about what makes a dance record outstanding both sonically and musically. I can share all my knowledge with you through my services.
Hello, my name is Brandon Hamilton. I am a self taught guitar player, producer, mix/ mastering engineer, songwriter, from South East Michigan dedicated to having a career being in and working with bands of an assortment of genres. I have played music for over 15 years and spent the last 4 teaching myself how to mix/master quality tracks.
Chicago's #1 for great hits music station
My goal is to bring out the best in your song in French and English
Recent Successes
"Mechi has a vocal energy that's very difficult to describe and even more difficult to match. It adds a lot of life to the melody. She also has a very distinct accent that adds more character to a song, which was a p..."
"Ofo is incredibly talented. I feel like he really got the songs and took them to a whole new level. Incredible attention to detail and a complete pleasure to work with. Will definitely work with again!"
"I took what I learned from a music production course and applied it to an old song: adding many additional tracks in the process. Brian was able to incorporate these into my old mix masterfully. I sent him over 2000 w..."
"Really nice work. Vocals that fit the vibe of the song perfectly and phenomenal flute. Eric Dolphy or Charles Lloyd would be impressed. "
"Ashley has a brilliant voice and was also prompt, collaborative and great to work with. Thanks Ashley!"
"Another stellar job from PianoMan, a wonderful musician who delivers super professional results to your tracks!"
"Definitely you can trust in Andres for your masters. The quality of his work is outstanding and for me talking in spanish with him made the hole process simple! Thanks Andres and excited for our next songs."
"Vic completely understood what sound I was aiming for and everything went really smooth! I am making another song just to get it mixed by Vic! "