Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Liro Negro
Josue Guzmán (Santo Domingo, June 16, 1991), known artistically as BS El Ideólogo.
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Need that extra polish on your latest mix? I'm your guy, quick turn around, professional sound.
Credits: Layzie Bone, Radiobase, Pookie F'n Rude, Indika Sam
I make your song sound better! Whether you want production services, session guitar or bass, mixing services, or arrangement/composition assistance-- I can help! I am eager to make your project sound the best it can and will work diligently with you to see that it happens.
I can take your mix to the next level with my 10 years of experience in music!
Hi! I'm Ollie and I am a Music Graduate from the University of Surrey and an ADAM Audio Scholar. I have been playing guitar for 14+ years and have experience in live performance, composition and music production. I specialize in Hard Rock, Pop and other contemporary styles, however I have experience working in a multitude of genres.
20+ years writing songs for myself and other artists (solo & bands) in English & French
More than just a mixing engineer, I bring over 20 years experience in sound engineering, songwriting, and classical musical training to help make your song the best it can be.
Excellent guitar and bass session player of all genres.
Recent Successes
"Incredible production. Will definitely keep working with them! Great Results"
"Wow... first time working with Stephen and I am speechless.... Everything is perfect in my view, the underlying emotions, the vocal arragements, and not to mention the passion that I can feel in recording this track...."
"Ryan is amazing!!! He just knows how to tastefully add things, that just make the song on another level. I wouldn't use anyone else. He kills it every time!!!"
"I wholeheartedly enjoy working with Simon! His attentiveness, kindness, and creative vision make every project enjoyable from inception to completion."
"Wonderful! I am very grateful that Alex is so helpful with making these tracks a reality . Thank you for helping me with the song ! "
"Very quick and professional, thanks Rob!"
"Don’t hesitate to book Mr. Mig not even one bit. If you want that polished, professional, major label-type and next level type mix, book Mr. Mig. He brought my song to life in a way that I haven’t experienced before! ..."
"I had the pleasure of working with Will on a recent project and I must say, he did an amazing job. From the start, he and his girlfriend made me feel comfortable and were incredibly friendly and attentive to my needs...."
"Per usual, Jaki delivers a stunning performance that is both highly creative and highly emotive. She was able to topline a song for me that, prior to her, had potential, but after her really felt like it truly had a s..."