Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LifeTime Fitness
Soundwave makes original tailored music to your exact needs around a project while working with you through the process.
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I'm a Professional Audio Engineer & Music Producer currently residing Portland,OR.I've worked with artist such as IAMSU, Waka Flocka, Marvel Studios, Nickelodeon, as well as many local artist in Hawai'i such as Kimie Miner, The Green, Imua Garza, Anuhea, J Boog, where I was the Studio Manager of Blue Planet Sound for 10 years.
Energetic, meticulous and proactive sound engineer with practical knowledge of music production and reproduction technology for both studio and live situations. I meet tight deadlines delivering superior performance with a strong sense of priority and pride.
R. Dyshon (Penn) Warren is A finalist of Making the Band 4. Apollo Live Winner whose written songs for Badboy, Sony and specializes in R&B and Pop records. Has also done music on EMPIRE (TV Show) Record on Logic & Protools.
"Music and rhythm find their way in to the secret places of the soul" Plato....... I appreciate creativity and want to help you realize your creations
DJ Steve Francis 60 UK. full-time pro keyboard player and DJ age 9, I had a gifted talent to play any song by ear. a 1 in 10.000. perfect pitch and play in 432HZ for a warm and smooth sound v popular with my fans . I STREAM MY MUSIC AND SELL IT EXCLUSIVE HERE 28 albums = 280 SONGS £6 each album https://djstevefrancis.bandcamp.com
i'll give your music the atenttion and care it deserves to make it sound professional and have you satisfied. Love to work with all type of sounds and music genres. ¡Lets work together!
Over 200k streams on EDM collab with Distant Matter Versatile singer songwriter with years of experience, I am an emerging independent artist myself but have been hired to be a top-liner, songwriter, featured artist as well as mentored other artists on their songwriting and performance skills. My voice is dynamic and can work well with any genre!
Same-day masters !!
Recent Successes
"On the first take, Jenny sung our song beautifully and with all the raw emotion we expected. When singing the melody, her choices added a ton of depth and complexity— it was just what it needed. She embodied the chara..."
"Another great mix from Tyler! His subtle adjustments in timing really made the track shine. Solid work as always. Thank you! "
"Jonas did another beautiful job with a string quartet of a classical piano piece. Lovely stand alone pizzicato strings and soaring, heartfelt violin playing throughout. As always, highly recommended. "
"Julian did an excellent job mastering my track. We tried a couple of ideas, some worked, some didn't, Julian was positive throughout and very helpful. Love how Lowe made it sound in the end:)"
"Andrés is an incredible mixing and mastering engenieer. He did an amazing job with my song! First of all, he did a great job teaching me about my mix, he evaluated what my mix was like before working on it and what I..."
"Chloe is a pleasure to work with and a complete professional. We have worked on a number of songs together now. Highly recommend."
"The man😎"