Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with les combattantes
I'm a top french music engineer and producer, working mostly in music for film, but I am used to recording and mixing for numerous records too. I like to switch between both world.
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I have 12 years experience in Audio Engineering. Worked with various artists and different styles. Can work on a tight schedule.
At The Mix House we provide professional services in Music Mixing, Mastering, and Production with a fast turnaround. Get it done fast and get it done right!
Musician of 18+ years - professional producer and sound engineer - vibey, sonically pleasing tracks; clear, honest, kind communication; a sharp ear. Work on Spotify editorial playlists.
Caled Torres es un talentoso músico y cantante colombiano, nacido el 13 de abril de 2005. Reconocido por su destacada habilidad en la interpretación de música romántica, Caled ha cautivado a su audiencia con su voz expresiva y emotiva desde una edad temprana.
I mixing and mastering music. I can record guitars and program MIDI drums
Latin urban music producer with 3 years of experience. Specialiced in Reggaeton and Trap beatmaking, mixing and production.
Produced alot of bangers and made alot of dope beats
Recent Successes
"Working with Ferras was an absolute dream, and I am very happy with the end result. He is so talented, and I would definitely recommend anybody to work with him. I will look to collaborate with him on any future proj..."
"Nikos, is very good and very fast, it was a pleasure to work with him! I recommend him to everyone!"
"Jackie is very professional, very kind and very open minded on music taste, definitely a pleasure to work with her!"
"Stephen shines again...this batch of three songs were a challenge because the production was intentionally sparse. For normal singers, there would be nowhere to hide. For Stephen, it was just an opportunity to shine e..."
"It's definitely a blessing to be able to work with Pablo! Always outstanding work. To many more...five stars!!"
"Great experience, Austin is a pleasure to work. Production services are top tier. He maintains the feel and originality of the piece, but takes it to a whole new level. Mixing and mastering services are amazing. Looki..."
"Maki is very kind and very easy to work with! I had a great time working ! And she is super talented and of course her performance was really amazing!"
"Professional, cares about getting it done to your liking. Very happy with this choice!"