Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leolito
💰I help artists make money 🌐+4M streams|172 tracks|115 artists|17 countries
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Musician based in Nashville. I like to create a balance of outboard gear, plugins, software instruments and real instruments to have a semi-polished, yet organic sonic structure that preserves the soul of the song.
I will produce radio quality mixes and masters at a fraction of the price of other engineers. Send me some stems and let's make a hit!
Need to take your tracks to the next level? I've recorded on countless top 40 songs across many genres. Can cover very creative-complex options to the simplest hook lines all in one session.
I see writing lyrics as a mindfulness practice, a way to tap into my spiritual source. When I release my work into the world, my mission is to connect and bring the same response out of the listener. As a client, I will seek to do just that with your project, pushing myself, and deepening the connection with your audience.
Incredibly high quality mixes, fast. Unlimited revisions included for FREE!
Singer-songwriter and session vocalist/guitarist with multiple self-releases. My goal is to transform in music your feelings and to get into people's soul.
James Childs is a producer, writer, and multi-instrumentalist out of Nashville. With a penchant for texture, mood, and melodic hooks, his productions are layered with nostalgia and emotion. He produces, engineers, mixes, composes, plays guitar, bass, mandolin, keys, and would love to collaborate on your next project.
I'm specialized at making custom beats and instrumentals I produced plenty of songs for Underground Rappers, Indie Pop and electronic artists I've gathered over 100 000 streams on my tracks on spotify
Recent Successes
"I'm so lucky to have found Marcello on this site. He is an amazing talent that brings an average song to major life. Very very easy to deal with, very professional, quick turn around and needs to have a major record d..."
"Betty is an outstanding song writer. She has the ability to absorb the style and vibe you are after and really craft the vision inside your mind. She also has beautiful voice that will stand out in you track. It w..."
"Collaborating with Gus is a truly rewarding experience. His ability to construct a song with music and melodies is incredible, and his vocals are the icing on top. Gus is an absolute pro. "
"Great job "
"In a word, she is a jewle definitely. And i hope to work with her forever:) "
"Outstanding quality work! Every single song. "
"Dennis is sincerely one of the best and easiest people I’ve ever worked with —he cares —about every single note — Isn’t that what really matters ! I am so thankful for his help on my project —- I’m using him again ..."
"That's 3 projects and 11 tracks in total finished by Art for us. Exemplary work. Virtually no notes were required, got our vibe instantly, and in most cases, without any reference! Will definitely be back for any fut..."