Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leo Fifty Five
From Anais to Eugenie, I’ve wrote songs for many up and coming European Artists. I’ve also been working closely with Sony Music Publishing as a topliner, songwriter and vocal producer.
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⚡️1.6B Streams & Counting - London Based Recording & Mix Engineer 🧑🚀🎛 - Lets Talk!
Available for music production including mixing, songwriting, editing, guitar, bass, and MIDI tracks.
Jump start your Passion for music to Radio Ready Hit productions from a fresh recording to a complete radio ready HIT.... ME : Musician ...
Got a session with layers upon layers of unique textural sounds that can't seem to live in one realm harmoniously? I will create the space you need to give every sound room to breathe and live freely while keeping the intentions of your song true to it's name.
My unique approach and style of music production will allow your sound to shine. I want to work with artists that are looking for a sound that goes beyond what most others are making. In my studio, I have both modern and vintage instruments including a powerful collection of synthesizers each with custom sounds that I've crafted over decades.
I will professionally mix and master your song in any genre
Nominated six languages Songwriter.
If you need guitar tracks on your song, I can help!
Recent Successes
"Tim is very nice and professional musician who understands what I need exactly. I hope I can work with him again. Thanks Tim!"
"All around a pleasure to work with. Made the revisions I requested, and provided excellent recordings. Also a great collaborator who was able to think for himself and provide his own flavor to the project."
"Riley did a great job mastering my songs. They didn't need any revisions. He's really passionate about his work and works quickly! Easy 5 stars."
"Above and beyond!"
"Marcus always comes with the fire for every project Hese the goat and always puts 100% into his work ! Amazing talent "
"Jef is a great Instrumentalist with an amazing sound!"
"Working with Michael is great, I've found my Masterer!! I know that's not a word, probably a better term for Michaels skill is Surgeon. He brought life back into old tracks I never thought would see the light of day...."
"Jake has nailed the mix once again for me. Super professional and fast. Highly recommended!!"
"Jason is an amazingly powerful singer with a huge range. He's really made our productions explode with energy. Great communicator and crazy obsession to detail (we like that). I'll be back for more! "
"It has been a true pleasure working with Natalie. She has an incredible voice and took the project to a whole new level. She is clear with communication and is wonderful at adapting to different styles to support the ..."
"Unbelievable work, amazing musician and very fast to delivery the tracks. Super professional and very talented.. One of the best Great "