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Lenzerheide Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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7 Years Experience. Recording Arts Associates Degree and Music Production Bachelor's Degree From Full Sail University.
As a gospel pianist for over 20 years, I've been privileged to learn the Nashville Number System first hand and develop my ear skills to play with improvised styles and heartfelt passion.
If you need Music Production, Songwriting or Vocals with me deep diving into your influences your story and desires and make the best out of your ideas, if you want someone that has studied with the best producers and songwriters worldwide (Ryan Tedder, Hit Song Deconstructed, Patt Pattison, Berklee and more).
I produce all genres.
Variety of genres in Bass production. Recording Bass guitar in many styles (Electronica, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Experimental, Funk, Jazz, Latin) and sounds (Synth, Slap, Picked, Fingered, Fretless) Songwriting of Electronica, Pop, Alternative, Experimental music. Production of songs, arranger, sound.
Hola! Welcome! I´m Hugo, Music Maker and Songwriter. My strengths are Reggaeton and Dance music.
I'm Raissa, songwriter from Brazil, semi-finalist in the ISC 2021, and 2023, I worked as a ghostwriter on Fiverr, with more than 300 reviews (99% of all my reviews) with 5 stars. I speak english fluently, portuguese (native).
Recent Successes
"Andrijana is top notch! She's very good about communicating and very detailed in her work. I plan on working with her on many other projects, and I'm sure each will be very enjoyable and rewarding. Thanks Andrijana (:"
"It's the 4th cd I am working on with Matt so that should speak for itself. Matt is great!"
"We've redefined repeat customer! Ha! This is the fourth album working together. And Rudiger keeps pulling the rabbit out of the hat! Amazing!"
"I just had the great fortune to work with Barrie on our song. Right from the start communication was extremely professional, prompt and they really took on the brief and brought it to life with an amazing performance...."
"Neel's ear is next level. Both of them actually. We worked on 2 tracks where Neel gave hyper detailed feedback & suggestions on the mix & movement for both, even suggesting specific processing steps to accomplish the..."
"This guy is a PRO! Doesn't need any direction, just kills it the first time!"
"He does great work"