Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leee John of Imagination
Award-winning producer/engineer with 30+ years of experience. I help artists elevate their sound with personalized guidance, ensuring tracks are mix/mastering-ready. From initial consultation to final production, I provide tailored solutions, including mixing, mastering, and additional production, to bring your vision to life.
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My approach is tailored to your specific vision, enhancing the emotional impact of your music. Attention to detail and fast turn around time
I have produced & mixed my own band & a few other big name bands, my rates are fairly reasonable & I will work with any budget. HMU via Email here ---> Shredator550@gmail.com
With 15 years of experience in music production, we are able to add that little touch to your song and make it sounds professional.
If you're looking to create a song with a catchy tune and chorus you've come to the right place! I will write a topline melody or lyrics for your project; I can also write a custom song tailored to your requirements. The finished product can in be in demo or sheet music format.
Musical chameleon. Specializes in pop, rock, and ukulele. Portfolio includes work with GRAMMY winning/platinum artists such as Christopher Tin, Jordan Witzigreuter (The Ready Set), Mike Green, Tommy English, and more.
I'm a pop Producer/Mixing Engineer/Musician with a home studio in Germany. In addition to specialising in mixing/producing modern pop, I offer really good communication in 3 Languages (Spanish, English & German). I also had the privelage to work with great artists/Producers and musicians and I will work to get the sound YOU want for your project.
Sweet and soft vocals - Myrrhe takes you to another dimension. Find me on Tropisk House Spotify Playlist, 2023 Hits by EDM. JOY, Umami by Spotify and 2000s throwbacks (Top 100 Hits) by unplugged.
New to SoundBetter; Singer-songwriter and producer; Voice quality is serene and warm; Voice type mezzo-soprano / soprano; Bilingual (English and Portuguese); Available to write and/or record vocals at home with a TLM 103 or in studio. Warmly, Jasmine
Recent Successes
"Carl Glanville is not only a mixing engineer of the highest caliber; he’s much more than that! We were absolutely astounded by his ability to grasp the essence of, not only the project as a whole, but the desired char..."
"Jonas is the absolute best. Jonas took a track I had been touring with for a little while, and he completely re-imagined the mix to a whole other level. He's patient, professional, and insanely talented! He is trul..."
"3rd Time working with PearlSnap! Great as always, quick and fashionable sound. "
"It's a pleasure to work with Sam! He is super talented and professional, great communication as well. Really happy with the end result"
"Such an honor to get to work with someone as talented and professional as Paul. His communication was fantastic, and he went out of his way to make sure I was happy. I was beyond happy with his work. If Paul is on ..."
"Once again, prompt and professional, Robbie is a pleasure to work with and always goes above and beyond what's expected. Will definitely work with him again on future projects! "
"Gerard is by far one of the most knowledgeable mixing engineers on SoundBetter and he's a pleasure to deal with each and every job. Don't over look a chance to work with a top tier engineer who's worked on countless h..."
"Robs mix and master were insane. I read all the great reviews and listened to his sample files before I settled on him to mix and master my track but thought there was no way it was going to sound quite as good as his..."
"He has a unique tone of voice which stands out anywhere and any time. I am so glad to find him!!! I believe I am going to work with him for so many projects from now on!!!"