Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lauren Greco
Creative, groove-focused producer, instrumentalist, and mix engineer if you're looking for that BOUNCE
Mix engineer
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Little House is a home recording studio located in the Mississippi neighborhood of Portland, Oregon inside a tiny house. It is run by Peter Ryan, who has been recording music for over 16 years. Little House primarily tracks to ProTools but can also accommodate tape. Ideal for solo artists and small groups who want an intimate recording experience.
Take Your Sound to The Next Level
I am a multi-instrumentalist, producer and mix engineer and a recent graduate from Berklee. I specialize in Indie, psychedelia and rock.
I'm just a 19 year kid trying to find an opportunity
i work with Daan junior , Jimmy Devarieux , Alan Cavé , Princess Liz, Dinh Nguyen, Sterling Salvador , Anibal Inoa,Dictam,Tony Deloumeau,Man Dragon PKM,Eric Maximilien,René Beausir
Hybrid, alternate, finger picking expertise. Any style - electric or acoustic
I make music and sounds for videos and all forms of content. Whether you need a cool beat, full song, orchestral score, or weird sounds fx, I can be your one stop shop.
Recent Successes
"Billy was a pleasure to work with. The sensitivity to the vibe of my tune was spot on and the keyboard sounds were really great. The lead time was good and responses were prompt. "
"Tremendous job, and so damn affordable! Revisions were never stalled and were always given when promised. :)"
"Doug does a great job with whatever services you need. He certainly knows what he's doing. On top of that, he's extremely professional and timely. "
"Lostbeat is what you want - the real thing in terms of hiring a pro session musician and gives you all the bits and pieces - and guidance - to mix in a really quality instrument sound. Was able to really elevate a tra..."
"I am a repeat client and Andres has been extremely professional and has also produced high quality work."
"Was glad to collaborate with Sefi, he was a true pro. He took all my thoughts and revisions and was super kind the entire process. I am very pleased with this mix and look forward to working with Sefi in the future:)"
"Extremely awesome at fitting the vibe of the song and always delivers high quality vocals with great harmonies and adlibs, always a pleasure to work with Sara and the team!"
"Gosteffects puts these tracks right where we need them. He’s the absolute man. Hire him!"