Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lateef the Truthspeaker
Iceland-based music producer and audio engineer operating a family-run studio in Reykjavík. Primarily work with hip-hop, RnB and dance music.
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I am a singer that specializes in the singer-songwriter genre. I have experience both in the studio and live.
Searching for deep-pocket grooves? Craving sweet upright lines? Need a perfect master to bring your track to the next level? I'm your dude, dude. I even sing too.
Nate VanDeusen, with over 15 years writing and producing has gained over 40 million streams on Spotify. Based out of New York, he can provide vocals, songwriting, production, mixing and/or mastering. For my current music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/125PCXGTE6sFhvG8w0EnvU
Gabriel Vieira is a Brazilian mixing engineer since 2004 and a violinist since 1997. With over 80 albums mixed, his notable works include Yamandu Costa, Gabriel Grossi, Chico Eller, Bebê Kramer, and Os Fagundes. He specializes in pop, jazz, rock, blues, Brazilian music, and world music, using Yamaha NS10M Studio monitors, Bryston 4B ST amps, Aurora
I am a Producer, Engineer, Composer, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Vocalist. I am also a voting member of The Recording Academy (The Grammys)
I love experimenting with sounds and styles. Lets get crazy!
I'm constantly looking for new sounds, and ways to mix and create unique vibrations.
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Recent Successes
"Really did my track justice. Amazing vocal slicing FX and I am left with a really cool mix. Thank you loads for going the extra mile on my track! A pleasure to work with! Cheers!"
"Austin is such a great mixer. He did an amazing job on my song. Was patient, hard working, and communicates well. I would suggest him. He's GREAT!"
"Super drums. A Billy to my Jimmy Chamberlain. And me, to my Foo Fighters! Thank you! "
"Best producer I've ever worked with. I've hired several of the top tier guys in this site and non of them comes close to Steve. Not only is the sound quality amazing, but he truly cares about your song, and ha pour..."
"As always, Lukas's work was high quality and timely. He's got an amazing ear and a ton of talent. Highly recommend"
"Amazing mixing engineer, delivers quick turnaround times with details of everything he fixed. I've got another song with him on the way now!"
"Pat is incredibly intelligent, diligent and talented that I can't imagine working with anyone else. He can have all of my money. "
"Cc has the freakish ability to bring your vision to life in 3d with surround sound and high definition color. In doing so, she creates your dream come true with a golden glow surrounding it. Employ her and you will be..."