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Las Condes Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a studio French Horn player with over 30 years of experience playing on over 2,400 movies and 100's of TV series and shows. I would like to bring my experience to your projects!
Sidechain Recording takes your song to the professional level you want without the massive costs
We'll be happy to produce and mix your new album or song. We also enjoy editing your audio or foley of your film. We have vast experience in music production, mixing and post-production, working previously on many projects in the German film industry.
I'm willing to take the time to get your music as far as YOU want to take it.10 years of experience, I can really give you insight on what's going on inside the sound of the industry.
I offer music production to help you complete your project and bring your song to life.
We produced, mastered and mixed underground tracks released on Get Physical Music, 20/20 Vision, Poker Flat Recordings, Crosstown Rebel, Defected, Circus, Knee Deep In Sound, VIVa MUSiC, Dirtybird, Play It Say It, Saved, Deeperfect and many more.
I provide quality guitar production. With 10+ years experience of both live and studio work, I’m looking forward to collaborating with you on your next project. If you can dream it, we can do it!
Singer-Songwriter creating songs from the heart, and songs for others. Available for lead vocals, background vocals, songwriting, and top-lining. I can do session work virtually from my home studio, or in person in the New England area.
Recent Successes
"Chad was awesome to work with, he was very professional and provided a very quick turnaround on my projects. I will definitely work with him in the near future!"
"Moe was an absolute pleasure to work with! Very fast and clear communication. I asked him to change the drop quite a number of times and it was never an issue for him to do. Really great experience! Highly recommend. "
"High quality work with a fast return on the pieces I asked for, pleasant individual to work with that responded to messages quickly."
"Needed some adlibs and again she was absolutely reliable! Pefect vocal tracks in no time! "
"Ivy is a fantastic singer!she immediately understood what i needed and bring my song on a higher level!! The main line voice is what i wanted and the choirs she added ,made me dream...work with her was a pleasure a..."
"Thanks for this job Alix! "
"Joshua is an incredible sound engineer! He gave my voice this sound I’d been looking all over for before. He was incredibly skilled at making sure my voice was the main focus of the song and at the same time he brough..."
"Fantastic work. Didn't even need to ask for any changes - it came perfect the first time!"