Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lakota Summer of Love Festival
AUGUST is one to watch, with experience that leads back 15 years within the music industry. As an established singer-songwriter, previous lead vocalist of a game changing London-based choir (signed to Island Records) AUGUST has secured both regional and international radio play with her solo releases.
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My name is Byron Richter, I am a turntablist, producer and a musician who plays guitar, bass, a little keys and various percussion instruments. My scratching, beat juggling and mixing are my strongest suits.
I have produced and mixed 100's of artists songs such as Jay Slime, Mo Tonez, and KOSHI. I mostly work with underground artists, as my main goal is to help small artists create their vision and provide them with a professional sound.
Vancouver based singer , song writer, and top liner! 16 year old social media influencer and full time musican. Although I am young I have been doing music for years, and professionally for 2. I have appeared on tv shows such as American Idol, The Steve Harvey show and more! I specialize in pop & country music, but am able to sing almost any genre!
BOXINBOX stands out for having developed a unique and powerful sound that has proven to be extremely effective in streaming platforms. His single "Black and White" achieved more than 60 million streams on all platforms getting top viral in Spotify in countries like Spain, Norway, Chile, Turkey, México, Indonesia
Hip hop producer, varied artist in instruments, open to being a session player for voices and piano. Trained ear, always open to new experiments, understanding at work,
I am an independent singer and music producer who creates all his songs, my main genre is the urban genre (especially Latin). I am located in Bogotá, Colombia and you can contact me for anything you need Ig: @kaito_jc Gmail: k4ito.jc@gmail.com
Vocalists or rappers: if you need a song, i'll make it for you
Recent Successes
"Great job on the mastering again! Thanks Carlo!"
"What a great and professional guy!! I aked for a mix of a track and received a super high quality version. Could have not been better! Very talented producer! Always quick in responding and quick turn-around time! Hap..."
"Rob is professional and he will listen to your demands patiently. However I'm not satisfied with the mix that we worked togehter. I was just looking to polish, in a subtle way my mix, but instead of that, in some aspe..."
"He work is definitely 5 ⭐️ I highly recommend him."
"Heloise is probably the best string provider I had the pleasure to work with. And I worked with many.. The strings are beautiful recorded, high quality, high performance, no revision needed. Thats what you want and e..."
"Whatever bar that has been set Martin pole vaults over said bar with ease and grace. He is a true talent and a gem of a human. "
"Vince did a bang up job. Gave me a ton of takes to use and lots of good material. This guy knows how to record and understands composition. Highly recommended for any project!"
"Leo can always do what I think, and provide some new ideas, like to work with him:)"
"Always love working with AC in every new project! The amount of bops we continously make go stupid and are always on point! People love them all!"