Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La once
I am a music producer, recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I love working with artists and helping them refine their musical ideas. If you are looking for a committed, creative and passionate music producer for your next project, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm excited to work with you and help you take your music to the next level."
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Hey guys! I'm Derya Nagle, producer, mix engineer and guitarist based in London. I've worked in the music industry for over 10 years, toured the US and Europe. I have produced three top 100 albums, and looking for mixing jobs currently to expand my repertoire. I have recently been doing live audio mixing jobs and would love to work on more!
Michael Meadows is a Nashville based mixing/mastering engineer & producer.
Graduated 4 years ago from audio engineering school, haven't stopped working on my craft since.
Hi, I'm Tre' and I'm here to take your music to the next level and make it "radio ready". I believe in treating every project I work on as if it were my own. You can check out some samples of my work on my website here: treossmannaudio.com
Tasteful & collaborative church sound engineer looking to expand my range at very reasonable rates
Check out Otis Heat for examples of singing and bass playing. There’s some diversity among the tracks, so listen to a few to get a feel for options.
I make ideas come to life. R&b/trap soul/hip hop is my specialty!
As a mixing technician and mastering specialist, I want to help you, always at the service of your songs, to take that extra step, that extra gear that makes the difference between an amateur sound and a professional sound, without mysteries, without stories, without the magic chain of plugins that someone on YouTube made fashionable last week.
Recent Successes
"Another excellent performance and experience with Chris! His hard work and authenticity always shines through!"
"Absolute amazing talent. Thomas completely exceeded my expectations with his performance on my song, and I cannot recommend him enough."
"Hey, Sebastian is resilient, not easily rattled by what may be perceived as unreasonable demands ! I got a sweet, sweet sound out of his mix and I will follow up with more work. I'm very satisfied. "
"Very talented. Her vocals made these songs shine and come to life. I look forward to working with her again very soon. "
"Fantastic time working with Joey! Excellent musicianship, production is A list, and the vocals were perfect. All done in a great arrangement. The end result is a highly pitchable demo. Joey is a true professional. Do ..."
"Scott worked on an original hard rock song of mine. I discovered Scott on Soundbetter and found out he is a Bona-fide talent! Scott's voice has a definite quality to it, very compelling. He completed the first song in..."
"Ethan did a fantastic job on my song. His voice captured the emotion perfectly and he did an outstanding job adding harmony vocals that really brought out the hook. "