Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La Casa Del Arbol
Production - Mixing - Mastering. Take your music to a professional level.
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Independent Record Label dedicated to EDM producers and Mixing/Mastering studio. Mixing/Mastering/DEMOS: info@futureplansounds.com
BCNStudios is a recording, mixing and mastering studio specialized in hip-hop production. Since 2011 we have worked with more than 180 artists&groups. We believe in your talent and we can take your music to the most professional level.
I'm a singer /pianist & electronic musician .
Producer/Songwriter from Sweden with close to 50 Million streams on Spotify! Mainly directed to House and EDM but can produce almost every different genre such as hip hop, pop or even rock!
My music is fun, quirky and tells a story
I love playing and recording acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo, keys and bass, and want to play and record them on your song.
expressive personality on music and sounds i make
I can write and produce an instrumental track for you. I can also mix your vocals in to the track.
Recent Successes
"Sabrina is worth every one of those 5 stars you see - and then some. She's a true, A-list talent: Current and cool and nice and professional - you won't be disappointed, promise. "
"Another song with Serouj and another incredible performance! He makes every word sound awesome!"
"Patrick O'Neill is really good singer Sing accurately Fast processing if you are looking for a great singer Patrick O'Neill will be you chiose "
"Wow Chris is indeed a Musical Genius!!! He was able to capture the entire concept from scratch and has taken my project to an exceptional professional level. I am satisfied and will definitely line up my next project ..."
"Fantastic. That is the best word to describe not just the tracks this incredibly talented musician has provided, but the overall contribution he has made to the songs we have worked on, and no doubt will work on in ..."
"As usual, brilliant vocal performance from Rudiger. Easy to work with, a total professional. Fantastic musician, always nails the mood and style of the song. Looking forward to working with him again in the near future."
"Matty is always an excellent choice to mix and master your songs! He can help you with all your needs on your track. He is very responsive and his ability to deliver quality product in a extraordinarily fast time is u..."
"Pete is a phenomenal player! He took the midi strings that I had demoed out for a song and brought them to life with his voila and violin. The recorded strings were high quality and delivered in a very organized fashi..."
"Amazing engineer who brought my idea to fruition and to sound great on all speakers! Definitely recommend"