Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kyocera
SESSION GUITARIST: Brandon Heath (live), Sanctus Real (live), Ben Fuller (live keys) COMMERCIAL SOUND DESIGN: Dick's Sporting Goods, Salomon Running, STIHL, Tatler, Shangri-La
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I am an audio designer who specializes in video game soundtracks and sound effects.
I eat drums for breakfast.
I'm a professional bass player & musician from Israel working both locally and internationally in all musical genres both in live & studio situations.
I'm a versatile voice producer in varied music styles. Creative Melodic Lines | Voice Recording | Lyric Writer | Composer .
I started with not much money but a million dollars worth of passion I can promise to give your music the same ❤️
I am De-Capo, multi-platinum producer, engineer and vocal producer with many releases across many genres for albums, commercials, television and much more. I would describe my sound as a sort of Urban Pop with a splash of Trap but I produce many genres. I have hands on studio experience with many artists such as T-Pain, DJ Quik, and many others.
Upcoming and aspiring mixing engineer with a passion for music and to work with artists.
I'll record you drums with profesional quality and with soul and love. I put all the dedication needed in every project.
Recent Successes
"Paul Kinman is one of the best guitar player here and he is easy to communicate, willing to work with me and listen to my requirement. The guitar track is excellent and A++++ ! world class ! Thank you again ! "
"Loved working with Geena so much I decided to work on a album with her! She will take your song to the next level since she's a talented singer and songwriter. "
"Love working with this guy. Insanely professional, and does an amazing job !"
"Mike is excellent to work with, understands the ideas you have for the project, and happy to tweak parts to get it exactly how you want them to sound. A great bow and pizzicato bassist to bring into your project. "
"Chris is an incredible artist, and his work is just awesome... If you need things to be done right, you have to work with Chris!! Thank you so much for the work you've done on our song!!"
"Awesome technique and sound. Parts fit into my song perfectly."
"Scott is simply the best! I'm very proud of him singing for my pieces. Highly, highly recommended rock singer."
"Great Work !!! Super Mix & Master !!!! We will work soon together !!! Super Arbeit -!!! Tolles Mix & Master !!! Wir werden auf jeden fall bald wieder zusammen arbeiten !!! "
"Scott's attention to detail, professionalism, kindness and positive energy were just the kind of thing I needed to take my song to the next level. It's been an absolute pleasure working with him all throughout the pro..."
"I love working with Direckt! He's a world-class engineer and artist who truly cares about your vision. I highly recommend!"
"This team is very professional and offers exactly what you are looking for on your music project. Thank you for your exceptional service, will defiantly come back again. "