Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kurt Travis
As someone who has mixed major label and local I can bring your songs to the front of the line. Having mixed all genres as well as performed on many rock and pop punk records for the last 20 years, I have what it takes to make your song pop
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Music Producer with very unique sound, specialized in Hip-Hop/Pop/Trap/EDM and whatever I would like to do at the moment.
Electronic and house music and hip hop are my specialties, but I also work well with music for video games. I'll provide you with high quality sound at a discounted rate.
Singer & Songwriter from London. Will write on top of any beat vocal melodies and lyrics. Improve your already written lyrics or help you write from the beginning. Fluent in the Pop genre will make your songs more commercial - likeable to more people. The top 40 factor.
I work to inspire. I am a Beatboxer and a Songwriter. I write rap songs, happy songs, sad songs, romantic songs, you name it ! I have performed in many concerts and have written a lot of rap lyrics over the time. Well, try me to know me. Why not give the littlest guy the biggest shot? Peace.
If you do chill hip-hop and R&B, then I'm yo guy.
Freelance composer for more than 5 years with dozens of projects completed, varying from original compositions to covers from any genre, game music, short film soundtracks and more. For my extensive portfolio visit: https://aminorvibe.portfoliobox.net/
Multi-Genre music producer based in the south of England. I have 8+ years experience in music production + recording, using a variety of software and hardware. I've released several albums and singles, with over 300k total streams on SoundCloud alone, and several million plays on my TikTok sounds.
Recent Successes
"His response time is quick and his input is valuable and knowledgeable. Expect your tracks to be mixed and mastered with great care and respect, with his primary objective being your own personal satisfaction. If you ..."
"Kevin went above and beyond he killed this"
"He is Fantastic! This song will be a big gift for me and my friend who will receive it. I highly recommend Joel! will never regret it."
"This is another collaboration. James is extremely helpful and the results of his work are really amazing. I highly recommend him. You will not regret."
"Terry Whalen is awesome. He was very patient and really worked at getting the sound I was looking for. Exceeded all expectations!"
"Eric works quickly and has serves with you a great final product. He also gives great feedback concerning the work you submit. Great experience!"
"It is always great working with Bram! Can't wait to use him again! "
"She’s very professional and so kind and helpful! 5 stars"
"As usual, Corey is amazing. For this gig he did heavy hitting, in the pocket bass for metal and a hard rocking acoustic song. He gave me 4 flavors of bass for each track, but I only needed two...he's that good. Tha..."