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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with koelle
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WolfClan Hip Hop Film Editor/ Male Hip Hop Vocalist/ Hip Hop Songwriter/ Emcee Top Squalor here!
Need your tracks to sound tighter? I'm a professional mixer/editor and have worked with artists such as Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Barenaked Ladies, Hoobastank, Metric, The Tragically Hip, and countless others. I'll put your vocals in tune without sounding tuned, drums on the grid without sounding edited, and anything else you need!
I'm a Professional Session Musician Singer–Songwriter based in London. I'm specialized mostly on Rock/Hard Rock/Blues and Heavy Metal genres but I'm always open to any other types of music too. I offer professional Vocal Recording, original Vocal Lines and Lyrics if needed, Vocal arrangements and I deliver my tracks raw and ready for your Producer
Hey ! I am a Delhi based singer-songwriter trying to put out some of my untouched feelings into the world in hopes to connect with people who feels the same or even close to it.
Versatile expert vocalist with a clear tone and experience singing BGVs for artists like Maverick City Music, Brandon Lake, Matthew West, and more.
George Denis Ardelean is a Romanian composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer. His approach to media scoring is defined by his love of creating sound worlds and crafting bespoke scores.
mixing and recording
Professional vocalist, singer-songwriter and vocal producer
Recent Successes
"Mechi is an extremely talented top-line writer and vocalist. We worked with each other from two opposite sides of the world and the communication from her and results delivered on our track were excellent! We would hi..."
"My second time working with Joseph, great results once again."
"Love his voice ! Very creative guy, surely going to work with him again !"
"Blow, Alex, blow! You're an awesome player. "
"Once again Wim has done a great job for my new Track. I am satisfied again and it is again a great collaboration!"
"Another awesome job from Ziv !! Always on time and always sounds awesome"
"He is such a fantastic engineer! I sent him a song and he did a dance, pop and the ballad version out of it just to let me listen to it. His skills are unbelievable! I would definitely recommend him."
"It really was quite a pleasure working with Joona. He pays attention to details and listens to suggestions. The sounds are fresh. Well executed. Mission accomplished. Highly recommended. On to the next one."
"Great vocals and topline work by Monty! Easily one of my favorite songs is brewing in this project right now. I will get back to finishing it after getting back from my travel abroad. I can't recommend him enough!"
"This was my fourth time working with Mark. For each project, Mark took my basic tracks to an unbelievably higher level after he did his mix. I like to ask Mark for his feedback during the recording and editing stages...."
"Fast turnaround time and amazing work! Thank you so much Silvrntz."
"Great job george!"