Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kinderpretpark Julianatoren
All for that modern, organic pop sound with a solid low end, borrowing from years of experience in pop music, indie music, and EDM. The goal you will achieve with me is to make productions, mixes, and masters that can easily compete with that high end "Million Dollar sound" of the best pop songs on the radio!
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Prime Time television, Premier Live events and recording various artists is just a short list of what I've done. I've Sound Designed some of South Africas biggest live events like: Saftas 2009 & 2014; Madiba Africa Concert and the Vuka Sizwe concert to name a few.
Professional vocalist/songwriter and producer/engineer. I have 15+ years of vocal/recording and songwriting experience. Have worked,collaborated & recorded with members of Foreigner, Black Sabbath, Dio, Whitesnake, Rainbow, ACDC, Queensryche, Gotthard and many more
Th Million Dollar Clic consist of 3 seasoned and prolific rappers and producers from the Baltimore, MD & Charlotte, NC. They have had albums that appeared on multiple times on the South Atlantic Billboard Charts. They have performed at venues in the UAE,Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and many venues in the USA.
- Professional sound engineer, bilingual French/English - +1.000.000 streams on streaming platforms - Aired on French Radio
Sound like the big ones
I am a blogger.
Hey, I'm Isaac, a young Multi-Instrumentalist, Mix engineer and Producer with over 10 years experience in making music. Growing up in church, constantly surrounded by music, I have grown a love for CCM and Pop music. Always looking to grow God's kingdom as well as make great music, so don't hesitate to contact me!
Mixing services with a musician's perspective and special taste for acoustic sounds.
Recent Successes
"Working with Dillon was awesome! Talented writer, professional, and a great guy! Will definitely work with him again!"
"Tom is my go to drummer! He is one of the best musicians I’ve ever worked with. He’s done 12 songs for me and nailed it every time! Amazing skill, rhythm, sound, and sense of what the song needs. He blows me away with..."
"Tyree (Mastering Engineer) and I worked together on my Swedish rap song “Vingar av Sten”. I decided to send him stem files instead of a stereo master in order for Tyree to have better control over the individual group..."
"Jimmie is one of the best engineers I have the pleasure to work with. His mixes are well way up to professional standards and his masters always bring that warmth that digital service and bad engineers lack. I will re..."
"What can I say? If you get the opportunity to work with Sabrina, you'll certainly be glad you did! To many more! "
"Alessandro really helped me reach where I wanted this song to go. His vocals are really just perfect and he gives everything to the song. Much thanks to him."
"One word, Amazing!"
"Amazing, straight forward, nothing but excellent guitar experience "
"Can’t say enough good thing. Really understanding me communicative toward your needs as a client. Can’t recommend enough. Thank you Austin."
"Elliot is an extraordinary mastering engineer! Very glad and lucky to have Elliot mastered two of my latest EPs, allowing my music to sound in a way that it’s meant to sound "
"Giuliano provides excellent work with great technical proficiency and astute and sensitive interpretation."