Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kevin Wilson
My goal is to take upcoming artist to their next level, at a comfortable budget threshold. I love learning and I hope we'll both grow throughout our working interactions together. So let's make some hits!
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Hello! My name is Ety. I have been singing for more than 10 years & have experience in the studio with lead vocals. I put my heart and soul into every project I take on and it is my main focus until it is finished to your liking. I bring emotion and vulnerability to your song through my voice. English, Hebrew & Spanish
I hate writing, I always give my best on beats ( Trap - Hip Hop - Rap ) google my name or check me out IG @BulletUAE
I'm one of the best pop and dance music producers in Russia since 2001, always on the top of the list.
I provide a quality sound for an affordable price, and I am willing to work with budgets. Shoot me a message and let’s get to work!
Graduate from Los Angeles Recording Arts School with an Associate's Degree in Audio Production. Worked side-by-side with 4-time Grammy award winning Engineer Joel Numa as well as Engineered sessions with Duke Dumont, Young Chop, and many other artists at Wyman Records and Big Fish Audio. Currently Lead Engineer at Artist Development in Valencia,CA.
My speciality is mixing. I know how to make a mix have a kick drum punch straight trough the mix and feel like a powerfull punch. I Do song writing too, aswell as Music Production is something i also am very experienced with. I made several Viral beats for Rappers and Social Influencers. I also do Sound Design for people looking for a new sound
Released over 300 songs, 32 releases, 20 albums, 3 compilations in the last 20 years; several No.1 radio hits; written, produced & recorded 100s of songs ranging from pop/rock, jazz & swing to easy listening, blues & dance. I've also recorded many voiceovers for ads, corporates & movies. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ike_Moriz
Whatever needs with Music you have, I'm here to help.
Recent Successes
"I loved working with Krysta, She was fast and to the point and came up with great ideas. A talented vocalist and writer, I would definitely work with her again. Thanks Krysta !"
"Aron has a great ear and always provides awesome work. I love the synths he provided for the song I sent him, the sounds are very dialed in and the parts he came up with are fantastic. I look forward to collaborating ..."
"Prefecly done. Great drum and kind person 😁"
"Vic did an amazing job and was super patient and was careful to clarify what we wanted. Excellent job. Highly recommended!! "
"Communicated well and help fix my mix before we got to the mastering stage. Can’t wait to work with him again in the future. Definitely the guy who gets the job done. "
"guitar master! I recommend, a very sensitive and professional artist and arranger! inspired me a lot to make music again"
"Nicola is a superb drummer who really knows his stuff. I can recommend him highly. We've been working together for years. Really. he checks all the boxes from professional to easy to work with to understanding and pro..."
"Can't say enough good things about Andres. His reviews here speak for themselves. Will keep continuing to come back time and time again. Thanks so much as always, Andres!"
"Absolutely thrilled with my experience working with Derran! He was professional, incredibly friendly & supportive throughout the entire process. He helped me add lyrics & melodies to my song, and I couldn't be more pl..."