Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KDZ
Millions of streams. 100% satisfaction guarantee. Worked with Universal, Epic, Sony etc. I will treat you as my friend. Unlimited revisions. University degree in audio engineering. Highly skilled and experienced engineer with the customer service as top priority, next to the engineering.
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I am bassist, can play fairly well over across genre. I have some albums that I have played for on Spotify and iTunes. Mostly into funk, top hits, RnB, gospel and modern pop
Im an artist and audio engineer/producer. My sound and mixing style is mainstream with an underground edge. My latest work is with an artist's such as: KDZY "Tippy" single, Jada B "Better" EP, Peso Ace "Chasin Peso" single, Double R "$" EP, Nick Battle "See No Evil" LP. You can google each artist & song.
Music production in many different genres of music.
Hi guys, you need relaxed, soulful vocals, comparable to James Blake, Hozier or Jason Mraz? Then I could be your guy;-) I sing in English and German.
Music producer of Colombian urban music.
Hola, soy Juje, un artista emergente nacido en Argentina y actualmente viviendo en la asombrosa ciudad de Miami. Desde hace más de 5 años, me dedico a componer mis propias canciones y las de mis colegas musicales. Tengo la capacidad de adaptarme fácilmente a las ideas de los demás, lo que me permite lograr resultados sorprendentes para tu próximo s
Skilled producer, sound engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Recent Successes
"Looking forward to working with Direckt again. During a tight deadline he mixed and mastered my tracks to rock the speakers at an event. When there where no time restraints, he shined through brighter. Be sure to comm..."
"An amazing second collaboration with Jeff. His work is the best, real energy and emotion, both powerful contributions to my music. "
"Nate is one of the best drummers, not only is his drumming top notch but the production is just as amazing. Thanks so much Nate. "
"An amazing singer, we had great communication throughout the project. If you want beautiful vocals, contact DAN "
"I highly recommend anyone looking for a professional Engineer to work with Austin. I did my first Track with him and was amazed at how spot on his craft is when it comes to mixing and mastering. Not only did he perfor..."
"Ali communicates well, and was very fast to get back to me with everything I requested. Very great rapper, great voice, professional and got the job done to perfection. Absolutely looking forward to working together ..."
"Another home run vocal and instrumental in record time! What a talent! "
"Cheshy, besides being professional, very sweet and easy to work with, I don’t really give a sam about that bc I know of no one with such a killer magnificent voice, when my co producer and I heard it after she worked ..."