Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kaybass
If you’re looking for the best sonicly cutting edge production- I’m your guy.
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Having worked in both live events and also theatre productions I have gained a great deal of experience however we can never know everything so I regularly undertake training to ensure that I provide the highest possible standards on every event.
I'm a Latin Producer / Writer
Extraordinary piano player and music composer.
As an audio engineer, my goal is to do whatever is necessary in the service of the music! My rates are negotiable, I wholeheartedly believe that finances should not get in the way of music-making.
Platinum mixing/mastering engineer with credits including Lil durk, G herbo, Yfn Luci, Marshmello, Fase Yoda and more.
Bangladeshi nasheed singer
Transform your sonic dreams into a masterpiece with our expert audio mixing and engineering services – where every note resonates and every beat shines. With years of experience listening to and working with the best bands on the road, your project will sound better than your dreams.
Recent Successes
"Great quality, every time!"
"Brent has gone above and beyond for me with some fantastic production/mix reviews of my songs that have transformed the quality of em over all! He's able to work with my budget and put the icing on the cake for my mus..."
"Gekko is AMAZING!!! I again, turned to Gekko and described what I was looking for. He nailed it, again!!! He took into account what I wanted to hear and added his magic! The result is an incredible track!!! It's dope,..."
"Exceptional ear and work ethic. Looking forward to making more music with Daniela."
"Dustin is the best! The drums always come out sounding great! "
"All is very simple, professional and fast. We asked for a remix and he respected the spirit of the song, while revolutionizing everything!"
"I had an amazing experience with Focus, he really listened and delivered much more than I expected. He is amazing to work with and very versatile. I highly recommend!!"
"I'm a repeat customer of Charlene's as she is such a huge talent! She does great work and can really get in and bring such a great character to a vocal and feel what the song needs. Great stuff as always!"