Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kabbalah center
I have released 140 songs in the past three years, including five original albums and six extended plays. I have written the music and lyrics, sung, played piano, harp, guitar, mandolin, synths, recorded, produced, mixed, mastered. It brings me great satisfaction to write and perform music for my own work and that of others including podcasts.
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18 year university student with over 2 years in mixing and mastering music. With predominant experience in hip-hop/rap genre, I'm able to produce the best works in this category, however I do enjoy working on music regardless of genre.
Commercially published songwriter and guitarist for sessions, collaborations, lyrics.
Let's amp up the creativity and playfulness on your next track and bust down some doors! Most importantly, let's make something that we LOVE and can't wait to share.
Hey, I'm a serious metal musician with a ton of hands on experience.
I have tried singing for various India Music singers in Hindi Language but fine in any language. Have familiarity with English, Marathi, Punjabi, Bundeli, Indonesian Bahasa, Malaysian Malay as well. Overall posses singing versatility required.
I am a professional mixing and mastering sound engineer from Canada who mixes and masters individual songs and albums with analogue gear and makes them stream-, radio-, and Grammy-ready. Here is my review on Airgigs: https://www.airgigs.com/user/GrammyReady
Produccion Musical - Mr. Barret (Sergio Barreto) Beat Maker, creador de los mejores riddims de música reggae en Colombia.
Recent Successes
"I think I’ve just found the voice for my music. Marcello is an amazing musical partner to work with. I can now hear the music I had in my head for real. Extremely professional, very talented and versatile, valuable cr..."
"Great experience! My Ep sounds really great. I Reccomend a lot!"
"The most wonderful, the most talented, the most versatile producer I have ever worked with. I have lived through producer horror stories- so I appreciate his crystal-clear communications. He is the best. And fast! "
"Me encanto el trabajo de Miguel!! Entendió mi idea a la perfección y la llevo a otro nivel!! Un músico de excelencia!! ❤️"
"If me and Stylzkeyz ever collaborate on a album with selective music artist we would be unstoppable. we have worked on numerous songs and his fingers and professionalism never let me down.. it’s always a pleasure to d..."
"Quick and professional, got me connected with a great banjo player for my track Road to Seattle."
"Mark, Mark, Mark! What can I say? An master at what he does and a true genius!"
"Alex is a real qualified sound engineer, he can help you to achieve a professional sound! Top service 🔥"
"Killian was extremely professional and delivered exactly what he promised and what I wanted. Everything sounded great!"
"Great working with Gabe as always!"