Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jynjo
Dynamic and Edgy Female Vocal. Catchy Melodies. Witty Lyricism. TV/Film Credits: NCIS: LA, Elementary, Instinct, Miss Arizona Previous Collaborators: Richard "Wolfie" Wolf, Jynjo, Neptvne, ASTRINA, Benny Boy, Chisari, Birdshield
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Demetri tate is a music producer, and songwriter living in Philadelphia. He got his start at age 5 as a classical/jazz pianist and eventually switched over to bass and music production by the age of 8. He is currently a professional session musician/producer who has been able to work with some of the best young artists in philly.
Fresh, avant-garde takes on electronic and pop production, alongside expressive and polished mixing are among Austin's fortes. Artist and producer at Jynjo, Austin has garnered close to 6 million listeners on Spotify and 22 million views on YouTube.
A Pop Songwriter who can write Radio Friendly catchy songs.
Hello! My name is Michael and I would like to help YOU with all your mixing, mastering and production needs. I am a University of Southern California student studying music business and music production. I have worked on numerous projects for artists ranging from Hip-Hop to EDM and Pop. I am currently working on a project for Sony and Shiseido.
Mixer / Producer with wide range of pop and indie credits.
Hi! I'm the r&b and metal singer, but my main genre is rap and hip hop. Also, I'm not afraid to try my best in new genres I'm open to every job. Music is my passion and I love working with other artists. Here's the link for my soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/gimme-clout/tracks
I'm a songwriter and music producer specializing in alternative pop music. I write and produce my own music but have also worked with Alexandria Morgan, Okay (K), and Mirella Janev.
Dynamic and Edgy Female Vocal. Catchy Melodies. Witty Lyricism. TV/Film Credits: NCIS: LA, Elementary, Instinct, Miss Arizona Previous Collaborators: Richard "Wolfie" Wolf, Jynjo, Neptvne, ASTRINA, Benny Boy, Chisari, Birdshield
Recent Successes
"Mella is musically creative, very responsive, highly professional and totally great to work with by every measure. She started with just my lyrics and delivered the vocals & music they needed, exceeding even my high e..."
"Brilliant! I loved working with Zack. He's an out of the box creative with refreshing ideas on sound production. ZJ is casual but aims to please."
"Multitalented. Iconic. Highly Professional. "
"Very good job. Thank you"
"Good job - as always! Working with Alex is a pleasure!"
"this girl is superstar not even sure if there is more to say except that she really is ,she done vocal and lyrics for my track and to explain , my track are bid different not set in usual style of musical theorem , d..."
"solid job on a vocal tuning"
"Wow is all I can really say. I was excited based on what I heard from Brooke's samples but what she did on my track was about 10x more awe inspiring. Great communication, exceptional talent. Just best in class. "
"Great Work Darren, That's for your valuable input. I trust your judgement on all my projects. He knows exactly what each song needs, has a great ear , and can sing his ass off. "
"Another great track from Brooke! Great voice, great harmony choices. She always elevates the songs. Highly recommended."