Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julien Bam
I’ve produced for brands like L’Oréal and Toyota, written toplines for Kontor Records and worked with countless artists from around the world. The songs I’ve worked on range from electronic pop, hip-hop to rock and have gained over 2 million streams on Spotify alone. I also have a solo alt-pop artist project under my own name “Dave Nellessen“.
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I have been working with audio for the past 20 years in a variety of live and studio settings. I have experience with a wide array of genres. I specialize in audio mastering, and music production.
Born in 1987, THAILAND. Spend 6+ years in US. I'm above the word "READY" to make you dream song come true.
Gianluca Bonfanti Mele is a Brazilian Born, living in Argentina, active in live and studio gigs for more than 18 years now. Found his way through music by discovering and investigating multiple Genres and Styles, as well as instruments (Basses, Piano, Synths, Guitar and others). For 8 years now, works at his own studio Producing, Mixing and more!
Francisco is a recording, mixing & mastering engineering that started his career with Max Scenna, a very prestigious engineer from Argentina. As his assistant, he gained the experience needed to develop his judgement and ears as to deliver professional results consistently. He now provides audio services from his personal studio, 40 Bramadores.
PØZ here. Contact me for your songwriting / topline enquiries. Let my work do the talking!
Jesus Garcia, Mejor conocido como Noisesix. Nació en la ciudad de Maracay en Venezuela, un 5 de septiembre de 1995, Hijo de padres venezolanos, fue criado la mayor parte de su niñez en esta pequeña ciudad de Maracay, desde muy pequeño se intereso mucho en la música en diferentes géneros especialmente el Urbano.
I'm a U.K. based Pop/Rock Producer/Mix/Mastering Engineer. I provide a fast, professional mixing and mastering service. If you're in need for someone to take your mix to the next level at a competitive price, send me a message about your project, Id love to work with you.
Recent Successes
"The greatest"
"Excellent as usual! John was able to work with some bass lines that I had written on this one and was able to elevate to fit better with the song!"
"Isamu is a One of a kind talent!! He has the patience and communication of a pre-school teacher, and the musicianship of a professor. he had no trouble at all understanding both the musical lingo, thrown at him, as we..."
"I have a solid and productive history with Tom, he does all of my songs, always goes the extra mile and really knows how to get everything out of a piece....."
"Fantastic as always!! Added a nice touch to the guitar at the end of the song. Very lovely, Look forward to continuing working on future projects."
"Safe is not only an incredible vocalist, but an amazing artist. Although unfamiliar with the style I wanted on this record, Safe did his homework and he nailed the record. His beautiful tones, passion, and emotions ma..."
"Another great job done with Bram! Simply amazing what Bram can deliver! Highly recommend. Thank you "