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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jordan Smith Reynolds
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Peace and blessings to all my fellow creatives , I am a recording engineer and owner of two recording studios ;The Recroom and Red autumn studios based out of Brooklyn, NY
Mix engineer/Touring musician. I live music.
Audio post production for film and TV, music composition and recording.
The H, Third Eye Open, Irina Schneider, Gmixte Emotion, Adrian De La Torre, Miracle Four
Chris Floyd graduated with a Bachelor's in Music and Business and has been professionally trained with over 2 and a half decades of experience recording and performing live.
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Independent Artist ✍️ Any producers wanting to work and expand your craft with other artists and skills get at me in my email or text 👇 theroughendchild@gmail.com 251-910-2640
A film lover, only wanting the best underscore for your film. Have worked on a bunch of Danish short films, composed, conducted and arranged orchestral music for musicals, been working and is playing in orchestras and love symphonic music as well as contemporary hybrid scoring. Whatever works with the film is good film music. That's my philosophy.
Recent Successes
"Darren Vermaas is a pro and an artist. He brought my project to sounding exactly as I had hoped for. He didn't rush me and made certain I was happy with the result. Extremely capable with his gear. Experienced ears..."
"A pleasure to work with as always and most importantly the polish he put on our tracks ws top quality. Can't wait to work together again in the near future. "
"Always awesome lyrics!"
"Alan did a great job of playing really authentic accordion on a key track on my album! I am glad I putted real accordion on there, I recommend Alan ."
"Simply perfect!! I wasn't really sure about what i wanted when i asked Alexander, but he just killed it in less than 48 hours.He is the Cristiano Ronaldo of the sax! I will work with him again for sure."
"Another great job! Reflekshun was able to squeeze me in at the last minute and made my vocals sounds perfect. I can't thank him enough. "
"Hatten av för Axel. Toppenbra resultat! //Cloak & Dagger"
"I had the pleasure of working with Conor and Seb, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Conor was highly responsive throughout the mix/mastering process. His expertise as a versatile engineer truly shines, deliv..."
"Neel was able to understand my very complicated requests and went above and beyond requirements. He has done a wonderful job working on the song. He is very quick to respond, prompt to make adjustments when requeste..."