Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jonny Colgan
You’ve put everything into your record, and I will help you take it one step further. Mastering is the dedication to perfecting sound, and creating that magic you hear when playing back a great song for the first time. This is what I do for the incredibly talented people I’m honoured to work with.
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Our service gives tracks the strength they need to stand out to new fans and remain competitive.
Grammy Nominated Singer Songwriter/producer written for Ariana Grande , August Alsina Nicki Minaj , Nipsey Hussle also produced for kelly rowland p diddy kevin mccall big sean lets make some hits !! project return time ASAP
I'm a creative music producer pushing the boundaries of my own creativity to create unique records. I play piano and drums.
Hi! I'm Emma. I'm a professional singer-songwriter of 10+ years. I specialize in pop, singer-songwriter, indie/alt rock, and R&B styles. I can record top-line vocals for your song, lay down hooks, provide background vocals and harmonies, or consult on your songwriting.
Let's make your music sound BIG! I have 15+ years of professional guitar and bass recording expertise and will deliver outstanding guitar tracks to your vision or can help with my songwriting skills. I use professional industry-standard instruments and gear and am always committed to exceeding expectations, let's elevate your sound together!
Rising Irish sound engineer with 500k+ Streams, trusted by some of the most promising independent artists in Dublin.
Song writing and vocalist
Recent Successes
"Austin is amazing. I sent him a very off the wall track that had sounds so rare only a handful of people have heard them. That being said he knocked mix/master out of the park. It was exactly what I was looking for. ..."
"We asked Nico to produce master track for our song that he mixed and he did not disappoint. Typical Nico, quick turnaround, excellent communication, great results!"
"This is the first project I've undertaken with Hugo. The way he approached the brief and collaboration was first class and showed he really got under the skin of what I was after. The outcome is release ready - bo..."
"Ryan was easy to work with and his playing was flawless. He had no problem going back until his performance was exactly how I liked and he nailed the job. Will be working with him again for sure!"
"I think it's my seventh project with Amilli, what can I say ..... as always the BEST! Amazing work! Mix and master always of the highest level Highly recommend! See you soon with the next project!!! "
"Mario's credentials had me excited to work with him and he truly delivered! He provided all the feedback I asked for and never hesitated to offer a new revision until I was happy with the end result. Mario uncompromis..."
"EMMA LX was excellent to work with! She communicated well and delivered excellent quality vocals that really fit the track well. I would certainly work with her again! Highly recommended"
"Gabriele is an amazing guitar player. I have used him in the past and was really excited to use him again. He delivered earlier than expected and I was satisfied on the first sign off. Highly recommended!!"
"Lilitsya is a very talented singer and song writer and was a pleasure to work with. Thank you "