Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jojo Pellegrino
Italian pro songwriter, rapper and composer, specializing in hip hop and contemporary music.
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Sound Engineer, Producer and Musician from Italy.
LA based R&B Vocalist and Songwriter with Home Studio I do R&B, pop, jazz and a whole range of voices as a Voiceover actor!
Music Producer, Mixer, Engineer, Songwriter and Multi-Instrumentalist.
UK-Based Music Producer - Composer - Sound Engineer, Songwriter & Teacher.
My professional music career began under the tutelage of award winning producer, Josh Thompson at the age of 17. I signed with Alpine Music Group as an in-house producer/engineer under music mogul Eric Nicks. I've produced, recorded, and mixed songs for artists like Phoebe Ryan, 24hrs, Rotimi (from TV show "Power") Mickey Shiloh, and many more.
I am a beat producer and engineer and currently attending Art Institute for Audio Production. Prior military as well.
They say music makes the world go round.
I´ll mix/produce any genre you want, I´m a lifelong musician who can understand and transmit your ideas.
Recent Successes
"Austin is Excelent! 100%Recommendable. Good job! Thank you! All the best Pedro B "
"This is the second project I have worked with Rob on, and just as the first one, he knocked it out of the park again! Highly recommended. High quality work at an affordable price. Thanks Rob!"
"Let's see. This track's checklist: Vocals - Ben Strings - Ben Electric Guitar - Ben Piano - Ben Percussion - Ben Complete. Need I say more? "
"Pablo has just delivered an absolute MASTER PIECE DRUM TRACK! This time around I sent Pablo a 120 Bpm pure Jazz Fusion track . Which needed something special but unique at the same time. There is no one else I woul..."
"Absolutely Amazing!! Definitely working with Quincy Again!! "
"Chad gave me the coolest guitar track in no time. Couldn’t have imagined a better part. He took my song to new heights. One of the best…"
"I higly recommend Viktoria because is so talented and does your job in a real professional way. She sent me a top line vocal I wasn't expecting at all, got intuitively how to sing perfectly on my track and sent me all..."