Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Johnny Mears
A friendly, relaxed, and supportive studio environment, where everything revolves around you and your music.
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Hi, My name is Junior Lee and I'm a Producer/mix engineer.
I am composer and a flute player. I have extensive experience in audio recording and audio mixing. My style is very versatile. I focus on sound crafting, timbre, and texture.
By day, I am a Producer who writes and creates my own music. By night, I am a DJ who plays my productions and remixes at the clubs. I am currently hard at work launching my brand, so I'll be able to offer competitive pricing.
I make it happen, the Ohm way ॐ
Eduassignments (Reviews) are an online editing and proofreading service provider dedicated to providing unparalleled service to all our customers.
You need to know how to make it sound right. so its music and not a noise Maybe pass it through the mangler as well to really bring out that pounding.. This could be a union between Dr WHO and The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy- techno style
Composer specialized in hard-hitting hybrid genres such as modern metal blended with electronic/cinematic music. Currently writing/recording/producing an album for a band from Toronto. I'm also a solo artist collaborating with singers from different bands. Here's my latest release : https://koji.to/k/8NHW
As a seasoned lead vocalist with 19 years of musical prowess, I bring passion, versatility, and global recognition to your project. From winning Junior Eurovision to gracing X Factor UK, my voice is a canvas for your vision. As a singer-songwriter, I infuse authenticity into every note, ensuring your music stands out. Choose me for a partnership de
Recent Successes
"Elliot is incredible as always! We tried a couple of different things until we got it right. I would recommend working with Elliot to anyone with anything they need"
"Audrey = quality!!!"
"Michael was the best to work with. He was very speedy working with the material and also only delivered top quality stuff. I'm so incredibly happy with the product and I'll definitely be back to work with him some more."
"Always my pleasure to have Bram on the last step of my tracks!"
"Roy is signing RR and it made me think of Rolls-Royce and this is what you get with him. Just perfect work and great ideas to help you make your vocals stand out! Definitely recommend him and will come for more in the..."
"Another great result with great sound and tight musicianship. Very usable work, and I love Anda's attention to detail which I've come to rely on."
"I mean, where to begin. I was drawn to Steve instantaneously when I realized he had produced some of my favorite OneRepublic records. I asked Steve venture down a different path and create this cocky yet melodic R&B/P..."
"My #1 mixing engineer ✨ best quality sound, work, and the best timing!"