Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Guertler
I'm a full-time mix and mastering engineer with over two decades of experience in producing records
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Throughout my years as a professional drummer / percussionist, my focus and commitment has been to be to play for the song and for the project. My song samples speak for themselves as to my ability to fit into any genre of music. The grooves are solid and a driving force to the song.
I deliver what you want
Here Monke making music!
I am a singer and a songwriter from right outside of Philadelphia. I am extremely passionate about writing and the creative process behind creating amazing records. My specialty is R&B but I am not afraid to step into other genres!
I am on radio a lot and heard in over 40 countries. I write, sing, arrange, produce, play keyboards and write patterns for many instruments and play them on keyboards. I have been interviewed by GSRN radio, GHP, Brownhill Radio, Halas Wilbourne, John Beaudin and some of my songs went to number one on Radio Indie Alliance and Valley FM Australia
25 Years of Guitar/Bass/Drum Playing and over a Decade of Production Experience
Creativity in making beats is my style of making music.
Recent Successes
"Absolutely fantastic. A real talent. You can hear his voice on www.swiftleigh.com , or search Together by Swiftleigh on soundcloud, youtube, spotify etc. He wrote the vocal line and it is incredible, great harmonies, ..."
"Very attentive, friendly and professional! I was involved in the whole process of recording the drums through 3 iterations (finding the right drum tuning, acoustics, mics/positioning, dynamics, fills etc...). The drum..."
"Paul really listens to the song writer. I was a bit high maintenance on this song, but his patience is obvious. He'll make revisions with a smile (I presume) even if I'm undecided as to where I want to go. "
"Unreal talent and super productive service provider. He tailored to my needs and his turnaround time to getting projects done was quick and professional. Will definitely work with Aldo again! "
"Terrific work once again. It is always a good idea to let Amelia experiment with your songs and come up with improvements to the verse or chorus. It allows the song to breathe and take directions you might not have th..."
"The best of the best of the best! Highest quality work. Super professional. Fantastic results."