Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Cooper Clarke
With 20 years of producing, writing, mixing and mastering. I have worked with some of the worlds leading acts and companies including: John Cooper Clarke, Miles Kane, Connie Constance, 6Lack, Izzy Bizu, Monster Florence, Shola Ama, Busted, Collard, Delilah Montagu, Foreign Beggars, Cosmos Midnight, Ash Stymest, TV Series Mr Robot, Sony, Universal,
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I am currently working as a Mastering Engineer in central London and have access to very high quality studios. I am very lucky in that the studios I work in allow me to use them outside of office hours, and I use them regularly to produce, mix and record my own projects and projects for others.
We are In Depth Entertainment. We specialize in audio recording and remote mixing and mastering with over 8 years of business experience.
My name is Chris and have vast knowledge of all stages of recording of music as well as a degree in Music Industry/Recording Arts and am a Certified Pro Tools operator. I play drums in a rock band called the Ins and Outs (https://www.youtube.com/user/insandoutsTV) and I recorded and produced the songs on our music page.
I own a local recording studio in Inglewood, CA. I have been recording, mixing and mastering for the last 5 years. I love the process of recording and putting different instruments together to create a song. I do use analog gear on my main instruments to get that big sound. This my hobby and I love it!
A pair of ears to help actualize your sonic vision!
Record Authentic Spanish Guitar for your project. I am a full time musician, producer and sound engineer. My speciallity is Spanish Guitar and Percussion. However, I am qualified sound engineer, sound designer and mixing & mastering engineer. I am here to help you create your music
You should belong to yourself, rather finding fault in others, know your worth you are one, why to go for some another. Say I'm the hell and heaven, leave no choice for anyone, stay or leave say to people, let's whirl on god's summon.
Generalists, generally, genuinely can generate the best sounds at a cut-rate.
Recent Successes
"Eric is a professional engineer, he mastered a techno track for me and I got an excelent result. He also provided me with an assistance in mixing to achieve a good balance at low frequences, which I highly appreciate."
"I always go into collaborations with Ziv thinking that my track is already pretty good, but it never fails how amazing it ends up being once Ziv works his magic on it. Everything is taken to the next level in a matter..."
"THIS WOMAN IS INCREDIBLE! If talent and music would have a child...it would be Kimera! She is my go-to singer and we did so many projects together but the WALL of talent you can finde here makes me speechless and it's..."
"I guess this was easy for both, Mark and myself. Perfect tracks - 10/10!"
"Kate really out did herself on this new project! I am very pleased with it, as always the experience of working with Kate is truly the best. If i had to sum it up, there is nothing else like it if you want to work wit..."
"Jaime is so fast and positive at work! She reply real time and did lots of cool recording to make it faster! I am happy with the result:)"
"fantastic working with Mike - highly recommended"