Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jill Vidal
Vancouver / Hong Kong based mastering / mixing engineer, Vocal Tuning Specialist, Apple Digital Masters Certified Engineer.
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I can approach several music genres with my voice. Versatile Singer in english or spanish. I have a professional gear to record vocals , vocal arrangements and backing vocals. I can either sing your song or imitate another vocalist and send you a full edited final track to be included on your mix. I'd love to hear about your project.
Bringing your musical vision to life.
I am a female singer, songwriter, & producer currently signed to Prescription Songs! I've worked with labels such as Atlantic, Warner, & Interscope. My music has been placed with Apple, MTV, VH1, ABC, NBC, Freeform, AT&T, Billboard, & had multiple Spotify & Apple playlist placements such as 'New Music Friday', 'Breaking Pop', and 'Fresh Finds'.
Music Producer and Composer with over 15 years of experience, specializing in R&B/Soul, Electronic, and Hip-hop/Rap. A seasoned keyboardist and pianist with 13 years of expertise, and a bassist for over 17 years, creating dynamic and innovative soundscapes across multiple genres. Skilled in both studio production and live performance.
My goal is to bring your vision to life.
I offer professional sound at a reasonable price. I work fast and specialise in mixing. As well as rapping/singing and songwriting. I live off music and have several songs on Spotify that are engineered and produced by me. Since posting my first track on Spotify I have gained over 4 million plays. I have worked with artists such as Lox Chatterbox,
Mixed and produced over released 95 records for indie artists since 2020 available in all digital platforms, worldwide. From R&B vocalists, Pop, Hip Hop, Soul etc... 🎻 Producer / Mixing Engineer 📍#Johannesburg
Passionate producer & composer crafting unique sounds for standout projects. Every song has a distinct identity. I learn about your passions, goals, and song concepts to create something extraordinary. Let's make music that sets you apart.
Recent Successes
"My new partner in crime :-) "
"Hugo proves mixing as an artform. He brought out the song in ways I didn't imagine. HUGE. Also quick and thorough. Uh-huh- that's why he's a legend. Highly recommended."
"I've worked with Dan on a bunch of songs now. He's got a great touch on helping bring songs to life and is super easy to work with. Here's what we recently worked on: https://open.spotify.com/track/7nzy3yFCuSbjIcAc..."
"So easy to work with and understanding if any and all ideas I had for my project. Ziv truly is amazing to work with."
"James was great. He was very responsive and professional. I am very happy with the master track I was delivered. Will definitely use James again. "
"Elliot just mastered a second song... and it sounds amazing. He will be mastering several more. I am so glad I found him here!"
"Justin was just what I was looking for. Wrote a great melody, helped me fine tune some lyrics. Easy to work with and very responsive."
"Can't wait to work with E.N again! Fast communication & he understood the vision!"
"Solid work on a stem master! Goes above and beyond! Will return!"
"Second time that Guy mixes one of my productions and the artist and I are super happy about it ! He listens and understand the sound we're going for and makes super loud, open and modern mixes ! I will definitely be b..."
"aaron is phenomenal, he might be the reason god created the word quality. it’s synonymous with everything he touches. this man has covered my shit in glitter and made it gold every single time. what a legend. when i d..."