Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jesus The Snake
Passionate Recording, Mixing and Mastering Sound Engineer, ready to take your sound to the next level!
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*Music Producing *Mastering *Composing *Instrumental Tracks *Music Arranging
I'm a Producer, Beatmaker and Songwriter from Ireland based in Denver. Lets make bangers! I am skilled in many Genres, I would love to help bring your song to life. Find me on Spotify as Ken Norton, Flash the Neighbors and also Archaea.
Good music makes people feel great in the moment and lets them get out of their comfort zone.
Classical background + Jazz/Blues + Dead Can Dance= Ariel Guidry After years of extensive vocal training, the best piece of advice I was given was “Don’t be afraid to sound ugly.” My voice is an instrument of freedom and feeling. One of purpose, grace and power. What life needs to be breathed into your project? I’m all ears!
I record cinematic quality, pro studio grade piano, real Hammond B3 organ, and other keyboard/synth instruments. My studio features a Steinway B grand, REAL Hammond B3 organ, recorded w/ professional $$ microphones. I can create pro parts you need to make your songs stand out. Country, Pop, to Jazz, etc. I can read or create arrangements.
I am making art
-Singer performer -song producer -vocal coach -arranger
Jon Sterckx is an innovative tabla player & percussionist with over 30 years experience of working with non western percussion and a variety of Music genres and traditions. Jon has played & recorded sessions for musicians & producers from around the globe, including 2x Grammy winning composer Christopher Tin (with Royal Philharmonic Orchestra).
Recent Successes
"AQA is an amazing singer. She can offer a huge range of variations to your song. She has that warm touch in her voice that very few world class artists have. "
"Once again, great experience working with Austin. Communication was great and he made sure I was satisfied with the track after a couple of modifications. Great person to work with! "
"Kristal did an outstanding job performing rap, ad libs and vocals with harmonies for this song. She hit the mark in every category - fast turnaround. "
"I love working with him!! He’s an amazing singer and producer!!"
"Had an amazing experience with Yoad, he is an absolute expert. Professional, great quality of work, politeness and great guy. Amazing career, he's been working with a lot of pop stars. Glad to have worked with him..."
"WOW! This review I am happy to leave for him as this was my first time working with him and he literally blew my mind away! He was amazing and awesome and made me smile big time!! HE IS A AMAZING MIXING ENGINEER!! wou..."
"Another interesting collaboraiton with Camilo!! Always a pleasure!"
"Klaas is a world-class producer who is worth learning from, listening to tips, and gaining experience. Very specific, works extremely fast, and what is most important the effect is always brilliant!"
"Again, great work! Thank you for giving me another great song."
"Another collab nailed by Joseph, absolutely impressed by his vocals. Looking forward to do more"
"He gave me a mix beyond my wildest expectations. He was very polite and communicative. John is definitely my go to guy when it comes to mixing! 10/10"
"Derran is not just MEGA-talented but he's a really great person!!!! He's really easy to talk to, open to your continued input and to working it out until you achieve the sound you're desiring for your song. I TOTALLY ..."