Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jemar Phoenix
I don't Have 3 million Streams, What I do have is the ability that I can make it slam through the speakers, Loud and Proud, My mixes are Clean Big and Punchy, I would love to make yours Shine,
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My name is Jason Bowers, Mixer / Producer / Musician in Anchorage, Alaska with over fifteen years of experience in the music industry as an Engineer in Chicago, Los Angeles and now Anchorage. My passion is helping music artists achieve their vision of emotions in each song.
Let me bring elevate your song to its full potential.
Audio Engineer that works for Bethel Church, worship and church music are my strengths. I can bring your church's music to the NEXT Level! Hit me up and lets do this!
Hmm, aspiring hobbyist producer... Can mix and master. Interested in anything that will learn me something (or together).
Specializing in R&B and Rock production. 15 plus years in all music production, and mixing and mastering.
Your sisi's fav artist
More than 20 years of experience working with Universal, Sony, Warner, TV shows (singing with Justin Bieber or Noa), etc... Versatile and wide-ranging vocals with a warm lows. I have a lot of fun being creative with choral arrangements and harmonies.
Hello! My name is Andrew and I am a producer, singer, and multi-instrumentalist. I've been driven to create music since I was young and I bring passion and expertise to every project, crafting music that tells a story. I look forward to helping you with your voice, whether it’s quiet or loud; proud or shy.
Recent Successes
"Taylor did a magnificent job for me and greatly exceeded expectations! Very easy to work with and communication has been great. His skills - mixing, arranging, composing, are all top notch. One thing in particular tha..."
"Anjali is amazing! She is very fast with her writing ability and she delivers exactly what you ask for. she took my vision/concepts and made it all work! such a genius! I am super excited to record this record! Anjal..."
"the best one here. Fast, professional and make her job on the best side. highly recommended!"
"A pleasure to work with and an incredibly talented producer! I will be working with him again soon"
"Maddie is great, as always --she brings such creativity and musicianship to the table. It's always a pleasure to work with her."
"I highly recommend working with Gustavo Eiriz. He is a talented, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and arranger. I have worked with Gustavo on projects in all of these categories. Gustavo is not only very professio..."
"Jenny G. is a wonderful collaborator who brings an unwavering ability to superb quality and creativity with each project. I highly recommend Jenny for your next project. If your project has a soulful sound that your n..."