Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jeff Franzel and Will Diehl
Greetings! I am Will Diehl, a singer-songwriter and producer. I would be happy to meet to learn about your goals and vision.
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Mobile: 5551594115 Contact me through my mobile or instagram (@bunker.audio), I do not check in here often. Recording / Rehearsal studio in Mexico City. Excellent location with several access points. Great professional equipment and no B.S. service. Online Guitar / Drum recording available, listen to our tracks ! English and Spanish spoken.
I'm a French-American music producer, recording and mixing engineer, and guitarist looking to record, mix or produce any projects!
Songwriter for Hire
I amateurly write Diss tracks and I do it for free, so if there is no gain, there is no loss ;)
Making music should be fun, exciting, and inspiring - let me help you make your vision come to life, make your records sound amazing, and make the process as easy and enjoyable as it can possibly be.
Here to shape your story
I add vocals to your songs! Lead and Back vocals harmonies.
I specialize in audio recording and mixing.
Recent Successes
"Brad is amazing to work with! Wonderful music, lyrics, mixing and mastering, and he does a whole song from start to finish...effortlessly! :-) THANKS BRAD! :-)"
"We really enjoyed working with Chris. His style and demeanour were very professional. The vocal result we got from Chris is what we were looking for and we look forward to working with him again. Thanks, dude!"
"Solid mix, great levels and delivered in a timely fashion."
"Another absolutely extraordinary mix by Carl! His ear and skills, sense of depth and attention to detail are simply superb. Couldn't be happier!!!"
"Prompt, great work! "
"Leee did an amazing job at mixing and mastering a cinematic track for me, making everything sound clear and delicate yet rich and impactful. "
"As usual what can I say that's not been said in all the previous reviews? Let me try. Exceptional quality vocals by a wonderful vocalist who is a joy to work with."