Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jazzbois
Great recordings aren't made, they're captured! We are a professional recording studio with a focus on rock, indie, singer-songwriter, and live sessions. We are distinguished by our excellent sound, wonderful team, and a studio atmosphere that is unique throughout Berlin.
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The pitch? I can master and mix your tracks, fix broken songs that need better lyrics/melodies/hooks, Produce (as in make tracks that "breathe" with instruments that don't crash into each other because they're all in the same range, etc) ....and I'm still just as good as I ever was (lol) http://users.skynet.be/rockofages/Markradicedisco/
At 30 years old, I've been playing for 20 years, been a touring guitarist in Nashville, and I recently released a full length pop rock solo album called, Life Is Death. I grew up in Oregon, always loved it, and these days I'm enjoying playing here for a living. Rock, country, pop, shreddy chops, fusion, praise & worship, you name it, I'll deliver.
Im a Rapper/ Song Writer based out of Boston Ma, A Boston native, KingnOah An upcoming lyricist with late 90’s and early 2000’s musical sound with today’s feel of music with a street and struggle approach narrative. With his debut Project called project 9 talks about his story with his reasons, problems and solutions
Stinging Lyrics
I’m Dedicated to Producing the best product on your Current Project. I'm a Music Producer who has worked with Pharrell Williams, Chris Brown, Cee Lo Green & Others.
I am a finisher - people hire me to finish their musical vision. I worked with a lot of known artists in Austria and I want to support the Austrian Rap scene by offering my knowledge and experience, so starters don´t have to go through the same struggle I had to.
After few albums I mixed, now I want to broaden horizons.
Recent Successes
"Such a brilliant Sound Engineer, He is a designer of sounds. Not much reviews with him because at his first touch on your music, will leave you speechless of it beauty and colour. Proud of him and glad I met him. "
"Thea is a great singer and delivers great lyrics & everything i needed of vocal's for my tune! she is professional & will surely deliver what you need to take your track one step further."
"Super experience. Very professional and great player!"
"Always a pleasure working with Austin!!"
"Another great session! Thanks, Nathaniel! "
"Scott has a great talent for singing different genres of music. Scott is a great singer. He has had an enthusiasm for both projects I have brought to him. Always professional and kind. Matt Penson "
"Elliot is the best! Literally mastered my track in less than 24 hours! It sounds so clean and so amazing! He is so positive and upbeat and was so easy to work with. I definitely look forward to working with him again ..."
"He is a real producer with very professional skills and detailed responsiveness!"
"Another wonderful experience working with Amit! He just gets it without me having to explain myself too much. Also, fantastic and professional musicianship, fast and brilliant! "
"So this is my 5th project with Michael, I've been exploring with different musical styles, different instrumentation, different pitches for my voice, different tempos and percussion styles and time signatures, and as ..."