Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jaymz V
Experienced producer & mixing engineer. I offer custom production, precise mixing/mastering. Based in NY, I provide vocal recording at my Williamsburg studio. Let's elevate your music.
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I'm a professional session singer from Houston, TX, frequently visiting LA and New York. I am experienced in Pop, R&B, Soul, Jazz and musical theatre and I can create the sound your are looking for! I have been recording with numerous producers around the world and my versatility, ear and experience will allow me to deliver the vocals you need!
We are a multiple Beatport Top 100 Charting Producers. We Make The Future.
Mixing, custom production including pop, hip hop, rnb. Songwriting and Full records.
If you need insane stacked harmonies, sticky lead vocals, or a song written in pretty much any genre, then look no further! As an artist and songwriter, I have become fluent in genres under the pop umbrella – I believe I'm as versatile as they come.
I’m a professional music producer, mixing engineer and mastering engineer from Helsinki, Finland. With over 30 million total streams on Spotify alone I quarantee the best result for your song.
I love collaborating to compose and produce unique songs and perform live on my piano.
Welcome to a world of live music, sweet to the ears and healing to the soul. #AjlMuzic #HitMeLive
Cuando comenzó la pandemia usé mi tiempo libre para aprender a hacer beats. Con el tiempo fui mejorando y gracias a tips de colegas y otros conocedores del tema. Me gusta que la música se pueda sentir, siempre trato de darle ese toque a los beats o composiciones que hago.
Recent Successes
"Matt and I agreed to start with him mixing 1 song and if that went well we would proceed with the 9 songs more to complete an album. I am happy to say that Matt exceeded my expectations and he is now mixing the rest o..."
"Rachel is very professional and great to work with. She sounds very modern and her songwriting skills are top notch. Looking forward to work on more projects together."
"Austin is such a wonderful talent and has the 'ear' for music. Thank you so much for your help. :)"
"Worked with Bram a lot. It's amazing every time!"
"As with all of the previous songs, Marco's keys and synths once again took this one to an amazing musical stratosphere! So much creativity... He's the coolest, kindest dude to work with, as well. Looking forward to..."
"Martin brought up our song to a really high and professionell level. During the whole process, the communication was direct and brilliant. I am looking forward to our next Mixing job. "
"Great feedback on my mix and mastering job! Highly recommend!"
"Trippz is one of the most talented guy I've work with. Thank you!"
"Very talented mixing engineer, he has definitely improved my track a lot. His response and returns were really quick. I would recommend you to hire him if you are making drum & bass song."