Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jayline
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Mix/Mastering Engineer, Production Music Creator
I take pride in being able to help you and many more artist's with delivering the catchiest wordplay and/or production for your projects! Feel free to check out my reviews from some of my previous SoundBetter clients :) Contact me today and let's discuss your project needs!
Hi, I'm Jayson! I am a singer, songwriter with several years of experience. My turnaround time is FAST, since this is what I do full time! I specialize in EDM, POP, R&B, and INDIE vocals.
I´m a student of music production at PUCP university, my favorite part is mixing and mastering a song
mitología nórdica
I am an Italian songwriter and beatmaker based in Linz, Austria. I can work with different music genres. If you need entire production or just arrangement parts or remixes, get in touch and I will find the better deal for your project!
Mini Piling Contractors & Construction Company
Hi! I'm part of an Argentinian Opera company as part of the choir, I've been studying the Bel canto technique since i was 15 years old and I'm currently in the 3rd year of the Lyrical Singing career in the "UNA" (Universidad Nacional de las Artes) I hope we could make music together! Thanks!
Recent Successes
"Nicki is kick ass. A creative, intuitive and skilled vocalist. She will add personality to your piece giving it a fresh voice with a unique sound. She is outstanding to work with and accepting of direction. She is al..."
"A$harp is friendly ,easy to communicate and overall great person to work with who has a good ear for quality.He's been very professional and Cleary understood my needs until I'm happy with the final product. (He eve..."
"Another top class mix!"
"Trey was awesome! He made a production that was really cool and better than what I was expecting by a lot! Impressed! "
"Sho really pulled up with the insaaaaane background vocals. I was seriously impressed. I was not ready!!!! He took my track to exactly where I needed. DEFINITELY looking forward to working with brunette again in the f..."
"Josh was so fun and easy to work with! I would recommend him to any beginner. He took my vision and turned it into a reality while taking the time to slow down and explain anything I needed. Would absolutely go to Jos..."
"Gabriele never fails to deliver the highest quality recordings and even mixed my last song for me at an amazing deal with the utmost professionalism. Will be back for more soon!"
"Christian was an amazing artist to work with and Definitely hit the mark with everything that I wanted from him artistically. We did an electronic music track, and he did the perfect vocals for it🤘❤️🔥❤️🔥"