Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jay Mason
As a producer and songwriter, I worked with gold/platinum selling recording artists and music producers. I have released my own tracks and remixes on Sony Music Denmark, Disco:wax, One Seven Music, Paraíso Records (Ada Music Benelux), Future House Cloud, Do It Yourself, KO Recordings, IHU Music Group, Motivo Records and many more.
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You can give me a track or instrumental and I will make you a hit or a master piece with my voice and lyrics.
I want to create a beat/instrumental or even a full track for you as a ghost producer and mix and master your completed project!
"I work entirely in music as a session bassist, music producer, and mixing engineer. I’m vastly experienced with various styles and i love get best resoults every day in studio"
David Prues is the Producer/Engineer of Ambient Studios in Cincinnati. Prues holds a music degree from Xavier University with an emphasis on music technology. With over twenty-five years of experience, David has worked on countless music projects from Noel Stookey of Peter, Paul, & Mary, to Tyler Childers.
Carmen Elisa Vargas Assistant Principal and Percussionist at the Venezuela Symphony Orchestra
Ciao! I'm an Italian DJ/Producer based in Siena. Some of my songs got streamed more than 1 million times. Lately I've been seeking new genres and musical worlds to express myself... But my main genre still remains Deep House!
I am a Rapper, Singer, Songwriter and Producer with over 6 years of experience. I am well versed in genres like , Afrobeats, Hip-Hop, and R&B. I am also very versatile and could adapt in other genres as well. I have worked with artistes like Olamide, Jayso, Bryan The Mensah, Gidochi.
Producer / Mixing Engineer / Songwriter working with labels and publishers like Universal, Guesstimate, Future House Cloud... I specialise in any kind of Dance/Techno/House & Pop Music. Based in Berlin. I worked with established and upcoming artist like YouNotUs, YAMAS, SARIAN, Jerome, CERES, OBS...
Recent Successes
"Randellovic did an amazing job on remixing. Exactly what I envisioned. "
"It was great working with Jonah, his piano performance impressed me immediately, Highly recommended."
"It was a pleasure to work with Alanna! Not only does she have an amazing voice, she was nice, fast and professional, and I had her lead vocals with harmonies and aahs to my project within a few days. Highly recommended!"
"Charlie was able to take my ideas and bring my song to life. Very talented, friendly and a pleasure to work with! Can't wait to continue working with him on future projects :)"
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with James Bradshaw. - He is a highly professional singer with an incredible voice (both timbre and technique) - he has excellent communication skills - he is also a lad you wo..."
"Great job, really gave me the Guitar vibe i was looking for. "
"Great sounding master and really helpful/patient with us! Will definitely be using Maria's skills again in the future!"
"Once again, Martin turns the work around quickly and with his usual skill and communication. His work is first class and he is able to interpret my ideas and turn them into solid drum tracks. I have used a remote dr..."
"Amazing delivery of string performance with 4 Violins, 2 Cellos and 1 Bass! The tracks came to life exactly how I imaged they could be. Delivery was on time and excellent communication as always! I will be back with m..."
"Jenna's voice is the defining female sound of my studio project New Rival. Her voice is a new addition that is geared perfect for my distinctive sound. Her voice is youthful but her writing is mature. She compliments..."