Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jason Pennock
Do you need help writing a song, or having an original song written for you? My approach is to understand the artist/message/company in front of me, their vision, who they are and build a song around what they are looking to create and accomplish. Do you need a vocalist over something already written? I can provide industry professional vocals.
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Hi I'm Serif, a music producer, with a BA degree in music, based in Istanbul.
Since young age passionate about music, finished the School of Audio Engineering in Ljubljana, worked as audio supervisor and lecturer @ SAE Institute for 5 years, now it is time for me to do what I always wanted, produce, mix, record, make music.
I am a musician who has been playing for over 15 years, I have been recording and producing for 10.
Hello I am a hungry up and coming songwriter, producer, pianist, and vocalist. I am very well versed and the reason for that is I went Berklee College of Music and I have a B.A. in Contemporary Writing and Production. I have been doing this music thing for along time and can assure you I can get whatever you all need done fast
Trap, Hip-Hop, R&B, and EDM Producer
Unique soft sound suited for slow rock, choral, and contemporary.
I have been mixing and mastering rock, heavy metal and jazz songs for over 20 years.
Sound Artist and experimental Composer offers mixing and production services as a side venture. Credits: The Railway Men (NETFLIX), Eternal (For Evigt), Second Connection LP
Recent Successes
"Professional, awesome job, responsive and a nice person. What else can you ask for?"
"On point "
"Super satisfied with Tyler's mixing! A few messages back and forth, some tweaking here and there, et voilà! Yet another song sees the light of the happy customer. "
"Austin helped with making my EP sound amazing "
"Love the final product. Vic was nice, responsive and knew exactly what to do with my track. "
"First time working with BetterCallSmxllz and it definitely 100% won't be the last, if you have a difficult project and need help well then ... You BetterCallSmxllz. Work rate, communication, professionalism, and..."
"Kenny is absolutely amazing. He's really musical, plays everything, works fast, comes up with great ideas, and is an awesome collaborator. He's the best producer I've worked with. I highly recommend hiring him for you..."
"We hired Miguel Ángel to record 12 advertising scripts remotely: the Studio and narrator in Madrid, clients in Australia and Art direction in NYC. Everything went perfect, including real-time/no-lag ZOOM PRO video co..."