Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jaq da freshman
Background Music: Showtime The Chi Season 2 Ep 9 K-CuttaTracks produces single for Artist Keila Grandz formally known as Dayzi Duce "Watching Da Move" Tune in! Scene: Papa is an activist in training! “We didn’t appreciate feeling like the poor kids. Chance the Rapper gave $1 million to Chicago Public Schools, so my question for you all is: Where t
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I'm Ntellekt, a Top Line Writer/Songwriter/Producer here to provide you with the hottest, top-notch lyrics for each & every project. My work ethic is guaranteed in assuring you nothing but endless effort towards making your masterpiece come to life. For EDGY, CLEAN, or IN-BETWEEN there are no limits when it comes to lyric creativity. LET'S GET IT!
GRFN Studios is your one-stop location for all things audio. Whether you're a composer who just needs someone to bring your work to life, or a musician who can't get that thick, edgy sound you hear on the radio. Studio quality sound for a price that everyone can afford.
Hello! A little about me. I used to listen to my brick iPod on the bus for hours as a kid. Since then, I've known how great music can be and how much it can bring to our lives. I hope to make great lasting work. And I believe if we work together, I can bring your track to its full potential.
My name is Boss Dopest I am a Mastering Engineer at QC Mastering, in Atlanta,Ga. I charge 50$ for the Master. Package Includes 16bit, 24bit, and HD Wavs. I am a Rapper/Producer also. We offer Hip Hop beats for 200$.
I believe we all have a desire to be heard, to be understood. Some need a little more help than others to reach that point. With more than 12 years of musical experience, I can help in creating perfect clarity with high-quality mixes and production.
Hi, I'm Martin Evans, a Philadelphia-based drummer with over 30 years of experience. I've been playing since 1986, and I've had a long and varied career playing live, touring, and in the studio. In 2020, I decided to focus solely on remote session work, providing MIDI drum tracks for bands, solo artists, and producers around the globe.
I have 20 years of music experience and I play keyboard for a Chicago funk band called the Delta Waves, where I do a lot of the band's production work. Let's talk about your project and figure out how we can collaborate.
Producer, Mixing Engineer, Instrumentalist and Vocalist
Recent Successes
"Hubert Payne is a solid drummer who will work with you on getting the drum track you need. He did an outstanding job on my song. Highly recommend! "
"Nicki is so talented and always give us wonderful performance (especially the creative harmonies this time), really looking forward to our next collaboration! : )"
"John kills it everytime with his production/mixing/mastering. Consummate professional and a ton of fun to work with. Would highly recommend! Looking forward to our next project together "
"Stellar job as always! Luke was super adaptable and precise with this track. We took the song in a different direction than expected and this young man was along for the ride. 10 out of 10 would recommend!"
"Wonderful Jessie has the hottest voice in the world and delivers great sound quality. I only put a few effects on it, but wouldn't have been necessary at all. No reverb or echo is necessary. And she sings beautifully ..."
"Adam is honest, efficient, and highly professional. Working with him has been an absolute pleasure. He was able to hear all my recommendations and capture the energy/vision I had and he just made it better. Adam is..."
"Electra nailed the mood I wanted to create with my track with her voice and amplified it even more. She took my song to a new level. And that in a very fast and professional way. Thank you Electra. Gladly again. Until..."
"Was a pleasure to work with ! It's really nice to work with him. You talk about every step of the song and the quality/creativity outstanding. First thing what I noticed, was his outstanding mix and quality of his p..."
"It was my first project on SB and Leandro was a pleasure to work with! He has fantastic communication skills, great quality and is creatively flexible - I was happy with how the project turned out. Looking forward to ..."