Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jan Seedman
I've worked with industry legends like Michael James (Sammy Hagar) and Jan Seedman (Stone Temple Pilots). With a 5 octave range, I deliver emotional, powerful vocals for rock, blues, and soul.
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Over a Decade of Freelance experience in the Audio world from, Worldwide Tours & Live Productions. Please email for my CV or further details on my skill set.
7+ Years in Professional Audio production and sound design. Previous work experience with Warner, Atlantic, Big Beat, Neon, Republic, and Mad Decent.
I'm a student of Mixing and Mastering
Hello and welcome to Atlanta Record Factory! We are a newer music recording studio in Atlanta offering all engineering, production and songwriting services at affordable rates! We have been told our quality is much greater than the average professional studio and we continue to strive for excellence on a daily basis. Allow us to show you!
Mixing and Production Dan Patlansky - Perfection Kills Niemand - Back Again - SAMA award
Production team with placements on major networks/streamers; 46+ million Spotify plays; Label credits: Sony, BMG, Universal, Disney and more. Top 3 finalist Eurovision.
Compositor de rock y metal. Además guitarrista y bajista en distintos grupos del rubro
Music Producer & Audio Engineer | Custom Beats, Mixing & Mastering
Recent Successes
"It's Great working with Steve. I'm very happy with the end results of us working together to create great music. Very high industry level sound."
"I was looking for mastering a jazz/classical/world duo album of violin & piano. After considering looking at many options, Joao was the right choice. He's a truly skilled professional that will deliver the final touch..."
"GEKK0's attention to detail is second to none, he is professional to the core and produces work that you never had but always wanted - how does he do it exactly? Mainly talent mixed w MAGIC and SIXTH SENSES. We are ba..."
"Working with professionals like Quincy is a real pleasure! The most important thing in my opinion is active listening, understanding the needs of the other party, but most of all the soul and sounds flowing from the b..."
"Steve is absolutely brilliant. He brought so much talent to my songs. I am more than happy. I recommend Steve 100%. I will be sure to call on him again in the future."
"Suzanne is always consistent and sounds great on our projects!"