Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jake Lewis and The Clergy
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as multi-instrumentist, i play drums, bass, guitar, key, perc, vocals, prog... recording, mixing mastering in (home) studio. I love rock, pop, funk, groove and electronic music.
I love vocal harmony, and I love synthesizers, so naturally my obsession is VOCALOID harmonies!
Here to help you craft the sounds of your dreams.
growing day by day to get higher and higher!!
I've been a live guitar player for more than 20 years, playing with Soul, Blues, Funk and Rock bands at the best clubs in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Over the past years Ive been studying music production and mixing on different styles.
Im here to help you release your music at its fullest potential, my sound is your sound. Everyone's music is different, and I pride myself on being flexible and never imprinting my own sound on a mix, only enhancing yours. Free revisions, lets make some hits.
We are providing high-quality services at affordable prices to help students their results. Get 100% Plagiarism Free Work by expert writers to secure your Grades.
Mix & Master Your Music for 20$! Free Sample! Autotune & High End Plugins! (Mix-15$ - Master10$)
Recent Successes
"Joe was great to work with and his attention to deal and his trained ear was very impressive. For example he was able to hear one note on a track that was "off a little". At the end of his mixing and mastering I hav..."
"Doug is my go to mixing man!! He kills it every single time. "
"Working with Drew was a pleasure! He manages to involve with his music and tries in every way to please the client. 5 stars well deserved. "
"This was my first project with Mr. Mig and I'm happy with the results. He worked with me and made timely revisions until the track was ready."
"Hands down the best provider on SoundBetter, Super responsive, fast, and amazing work! "
"I have worked with Dylan on two longer projects now and he has been the perfect partner through the process. He is knowledgeable and personable, and adept in converting conversation and brief to a perfect product. Com..."
"Once again, working with Ashley was a dream. She is fast, precise, and consistently delivers great sound. Her reliability and clear communication make her an exceptional collaborator."
"Adam’s master of our track took our song to the next level. I’d highly recommend getting Adam’s ears on your songs and allowing him to work his magic!"