Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jagas
If you need to take your songs further, I will put all my passion and experience at your service.
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I work with each unique artist to find a personalized approach for their project. I do everything I can to make the sessions comfortable and enjoyable, while also staying on schedule.
Robust vocalist with a wide range, musical saw virtuoso, and trombone and trumpet playing songwriter from Pittsburgh, PA. Hire me to add a unique flair to your recording!
This is where you can get great sounding drums recorded quickly and efficiently, played exactly how you want them. Just send over your tracks and I will do the rest. My drumming style blends a deep sense of groove, high-energy performance and an incredibly tasteful approach to song playing.
Hi, I'm Adam and I'm a producer/writer/artist here in Nashville just like everyone else is, haha! I'm an expert guitarist, bassist, singer, arranger, and remixer, and I've been doing the production thing for a few years and playing & writing for even longer than I can remember. I'm looking forward to working with some new folks on SoundBetter!
I love recording band, experimenting with sound, always trying different things.
Dusty grimy beats
I’m Nasser, a music producer and DJ from Amman, Jordan, with over 10 million streams across platforms and support from top artists like Timmy Trumpet, Loud Luxury, and Massano. Specializing in Afro House and Melodic House, I bring a fresh, dynamic perspective to every project. Whether it’s original productions, remixes, or collaborations,
If you need to take your songs further, I will put all my passion and experience at your service.
Recent Successes
"goes above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. a true professional. "
"Ani is such a dream to work with. He always gives us constant progress updates and you're guaranteed high quality songs from him. Will definitely work with him again for future projects!"
"David rocks again as usual 🤓🤘"
"Working with Blair is always so smooth and happy! Professional!Accurate!Fast!"
"Myah is one of the best. I loved the song she wrote :) "
"Amazing engineer! Very transparent and best communication I've had from any engineer I've worked with on here. He made my demo sound like a radio single!"
"Brian makes my music pop and sound so colorful. He really brings out the liveliness and feeling in your music. Very patience, motivated and dedicated to his craft and I’m just grateful to be working with one of the gr..."
"He says This Mix Is Sick! So I say if you lookin for some sick mix, THIS IS IT!"
"Great talent. And super easy to communicate and proactive. I hope we could work again."
"Fantastic experience with a very talented artist. Justin is a pro and I got way more than I expected. His playing is phenomenal and the parts fit the song perfectly. I'm so thankful for his help with my song."
"Daniela brought my track to life. Despite my having never worked with a professional mix/mastering engineer before, or indeed SoundBetter, the whole experience has been amazing. Daniela is super-communicative, has the..."