Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jade LeMac
Award-winning producer, songwriter, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, multi-instrumentalist and musical director. I will fully produce a custom track for you, bring your demo to the finish line, or mix & master your already fully-finished production.
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More providers:
mastering , mixing ,post-production
Hi, I'm Robert Lopez, owner and engineer at Crates Music. Since 2008 our Studio has been working with Artist and Musicians to provide quality and professional audio services.
I've worked on projects with Miller Campbell, Chris Lord, RJ KNapp and Honey Robin and others. Engineered for Bob Rivers and his Twisted Tunes as well as the recording engineer on the 2nd Twisted Christmas album. I'm classically trained and bring solid musical knowledge to every session I work.
Being a sucker for Pop, I can supply those clean and tight vocals that sound ready to go before you've even edited them. Loads of experience both tracking vocals for demos and toplining a range of different styles. Tell me what you want, and I'll deliver.
Hi my name is Teodosio Gentile and I'm a musician based in Italy, Bari. Through this platform I would like to offer support and help with my musical skills Feel free to contact me for a tutorial, or a guitar or bass recording.
I'm a creative and experienced singer and writer, up for helping you with your project! I have worked in writing teams and one on one with other artists, performed in venues such as Shepherd’s Bush Empire in London and co-produced an album.
Hey! Im Egon and I can put some colors in your music!
Ready to infuse warmth and depth into your music?
Recent Successes
"Love working with Riley!! I came in with a song that was so complicated I didn't even know how to explain it, and he helped me record it very quickly "
"He is a super talent, being both a producer and vocalist makes him a top-level pro at his profession, just can't wait to work with him again. He pays attention to the job and delivers at supreme quality. No doubt abou..."
"Matt is a great engineer, and very easy to work with."
"So excited to have worked with J-Marin! Very attentive and quality product. "
"Second time I've used Matheus and I am happy again: the parts sound great and were turned in in a few hours! And he is friendly as ver, highly recommended."
"I had done 3 full studio albums before first reaching out to Marc for a single that I wanted mixed and mastered. Marc did on the first mix what usually takes me a couple of iterations with other pros. He was prompt,..."
"Direckt has been my go to guy for my mixing and mastering needs. He is on point with the sound I’m looking for. We definitely have chemistry. "
"I will always be indebted to Ariel for his technical and musical wizardry in mixing and mastering my album. His positivity and collaborative spirit is empowering, and he helped make all of my music better than what I..."