Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Isidro Aublin
I would love to take your song to the next level! your satisfaction is my goal, I´m a session and touring guitarist, producer, arranger and composer with over 25 years experience who have recorded hundreds of succesfull songs of almost all music genres and who have toured with big artists of all styles
More providers:
I have been composing and mixing music for many years.
HYBRID ANALOG - DIGITAL PROFESSIONAL RECORDING STUDIO professional recording studio mixing and mastering studio rehearsal room music labs PRIME TIME STUDIO is a professional recording studio that mix up the most modern digital technologies's stability with the best and flavoured sound of analog historical technologies.
Hi. I'm Shoumik. I started out playing Drums. Eventually, I started producing Music under the name Disco Puppet.
With extensive education in music theory and over a decade of playing experience, I add nuance to songs that you didn’t even know you needed.
An Expert Music Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer with 11 years of Experience in the studio.
Artist • Producer • Engineer Birmingham uk producer who loves producing making beats love doing remixes mastering and editing and working with great singers and rappers
Soy un productor Musical con basta experiencia en creación de arreglos (multi instrumentista) composición también realizo edición Mezcla y Mastering
Hi! I'm Rob Pandolfi, a graduated guitarist with over 20 years of experience in the music world. I specialize in Recording Sessions, Backing Tracks creations, Covers and arranging. My goal is to help you realize your music project with the highest quality and professionalism.
Recent Successes
"Was a pleasure working with John! He has really good ears for great Vocal production and a very stylish take on the song. Really brought the song to life and added 'Umph' to it. Would recommend!! "
"Second time with this fabulous mastering engineer and second out of hopefully many more mastering jobs with Camilo. Thank you my friend you have created depth, dynamics, clarity, control and power to my mixes."
"If you have all the ingredients to a great song you must give them to the right cook to mix them together or the result will be a dry, tasteless and unpalatable meal. Leandro is a musical chef with 3 Michelin Stars...."
"I’m not gonna lie, after I flew Nate’s drums into my session and listened the first time I cried. I’ve been writing for 5 months to come up with 1 song that doesn’t suck and Nate brought it to life beyond what I coul..."
"Melissa is truly an incredible vocalist and songwriter - she delivered amazing lyrics and beautiful vocals & went above and beyond with helping me see this project through."
"Extremely talented producer & sound engineer. Ralph knew the path I wanted to take for the project right away, and we crushed it to produce a truly unique & one of a kind record: I would recommend Ralph to anyone, h..."